Page 48 of Embattled Return

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Page 48 of Embattled Return

John watched Wyatt throw the mother of all tantrums on the hard living room floor. They were just getting ready to head out the door to daycare and work, and the kid had just melted down. Shannon started to pick him up and baby him, but her chin had firmed and she’d stepped back, arms crossed beneath her breasts as she watched him. John sat back as well, though he wanted to rush forward and appease his son. Caden sat quietly on his lap, waiting to go to daycare. He had a toy in his hand and didn’t seem concerned with Wyatt’s antics.

This had been happening more often recently and when they’d asked Flynn and Willow about it, because Raven was a little older, they’d both laughed.

“Oh, they have you guys pegged,” Willow had murmured. “I bet the first time he did it you rushed forward, thinking that he’d hurt himself or something. And you babied him. When something is happening that they don’t like, he’s learned what to do to get you to respond. So, say, leaving the toys to come eat dinner, which is Raven’s flash point. She flung herself on the floor and cried the big crocodile tears, which is his weak spot.” She pointed a blunt finger at Flynn, who made a face in agreement.

“She’s a little terrorist,” he grumbled. “Trained by some super-secret baby development group before we get them, or something.”

Willow made a face, swinging her dark hair behind her shoulder. “Hm. Whatever. Mr. Hero here would go pick her up and cradle her and give her her favorite toy to play with, and dinner would get pushed off. Exactly what Raven wanted in the first place.”

Shannon shared a look with John. They’d been guilty of that as well.

“Parenting is hard,” she’d told Shannon, then she’d leaned over and hugged her. “I know, babe, but you wouldn’t rather have it any other way. Next time they throw a tantrum, let them, and don’t feed the little emotional beast. He’s just being a drama-dick.”

“A what?” Shannon had asked, laughing.

“A drama-dick. There are drama queens and drama dicks.”

John remembered those words as he watched Wyatt check to see where Shannon was. The little bugger was checking to see if she’d caved yet.

Shannon must have seen the look as well, because she raised an eyebrow at Wyatt, then turned to head into the kitchen. Caden slid off John’s lap and toddled over to Wyatt, patting his brother on the head. He babbled at ‘Wy’, and Wyatt seemed to get tired of his own histrionics. With a trembling breath, the tears evaporated and he sat up to talk to his brother. They had a language only they seemed to understand and it was interesting listening to them babble back and forth.

Caden seemed to be telling Wyatt that they needed to go, because he got to his feet and waddled toward John, who still held his winter coat. Without fuss Wyatt allowed John to put his coat on, then he took the toy Caden had been playing with.

“Shannon, I think we’re ready.”

There were no further issues as they loaded the boys into the truck and drove to the day care center. Wyatt started to snuffle when he realized his parents were going to leave him there, but Nene, a tall, willowy young woman with a bright smile, offered him a piece of candy, even though it was just after seven-thirty in the morning.

Thoroughly distracted, John and Shannon made their escape from the boys.

“We need to get smarter with these kids,” Shannon murmured. “Can you imagine how bad they’ll be when they’re teenagers?”

John winced. “I think we need more playdates with Joe Flynn’s family.”

“Agreed,” she sighed.

John reached over, taking her hand. “We’re getting it. I don’t feel like we’re bad parents.”

“Oh,” Shannon looked at him, startled. “I don’t either. Not at all. I think we need to stop underestimating them,” she laughed.

He winced. Yeah, definitely. “I need to be writing all this stuff down for Aiden. Poor guy has no idea what’s coming.”

“I don’t think you should stress him out anymore than he already is,” Shannon murmured. “Angela texted me this morning to thank me for the rice recipe, and she says Aiden is freaking out, worse than she expected him to. They’ve talked about the stress, but I’m not sure it’s easing him at all.”

John scowled. “They’ve got a couple more months, yet.”

“I know, but I was thinking...”

He gave her a narrowed-eyed look. “Thinking what?”

“My parents will be back in a couple of months. Maybe we can slide out and be with Aiden and Angela when the time is close.”

John pursed his lips. It wasn’t a terrible idea. If there was a way he could be there for Aiden he absolutely would be, because at this point it sounded like his brother was having more of an issue with the pregnancy than Angela was. Hopefully Wulfe and Fontana were helping to keep him grounded as well. “I’m not averse to the idea. Let’s see where we are a little closer to the time.”

“Agreed. After seeing everything Marigold did while I was gone, I’ll have no hesitation in leaving her alone again.”

Nodding, he flicked the blinker to turn into the parking lot. “I thought she was doing good, too, so it’s good to hear it from you. Any word from her or Logan this morning?”

Shannon shook her head as they pulled into a parking space. “Not a word. But, maybe that’s a good thing. I think Logan will go see his family sooner rather than later.”

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