Page 73 of Embattled Return
What an odd change of fortune. He and his girlfriend? Lover? would be heading to work together.
Huh... The thought didn’t scare him as much as it should have.
Shannon bounced from one emergency to the next, and it just didn’t seem to let up. It was ridiculous for a Tuesday.
Flynn had a caller on the line from out of country that he’d been trying to get ahold of for weeks. Putting the man on hold Shannon did her best to find Flynn, but he had apparently decided not to answer his phone today. Instead she got Willow on their personal text chat, and she tracked the man down. The two lines were now connected and she hoped Flynn was getting the information he needed.
She moved onto the next issue. Harper had a significant medical bill that insurance was refusing to pay. After being on hold for almost an hour, Shannon managed to get it recategorized so that it would be paid, in full, the way it should have been in the first place.
Rachel had an issue with shorted overtime that she’d forgotten to get approved two weeks ago. The cleaning service responsible for doing the offices had a flu outbreak and they would have to reschedule for next week, assuming everyone was healthy enough to come back. Elizabeth Wilkes was waiting on the original report Jordyn had done when they’d retrieved the men from the jungle. Shannon just hadn’t had a chance to send it.
On top of everything, she was feeling off. In the back of her mind she was praying that she hadn’t picked up some kind of convention bug, because that would screw her whole schedule.
When Marigold rolled in later that morning, she was very happy to hand a few things off to the younger woman to take care of.
“Absolutely,” Marigold told her, grinning. “Why don’t you go get a cup of coffee? When you come back, we’ll talk.”
Shannon was curious. Logan had gone back to talk to John, and she had a feeling she knew what about. It would be a great time to teach Marigold the new-hire system.
She looked at the coffee maker in the break room. It did not appeal to her. Instead, she ran a cup of water through the microwave and dropped a tea bag in. If she was getting sick, she would need to hydrate.
Man, the boys were beasts when they didn’t feel good. And John was even worse, she thought with a snort.
She returned to the reception area and sank into her chair, her legs weak. What the hell...
Marigold gave her a look. “Are you okay? You seem pale.”
“Yeah, I’m okay, just...tired, I guess.”
If she put into the ether that she was feeling sick, it would manifest that she was sick. Deny, deny, deny...
Shannon knew as soon as he walked out that Logan was their next investigator. John rolled out behind him, grinning. Circling the desk, she wrapped Logan in a hug. “Welcome to the group.”
His lips twisted into a smile. “Thank you. I really do appreciate it.”
Marigold was smiling as well, but it was obvious she had already known what Logan was going to tell John. Shannon sighed, saying a little prayer that their relationship would survive. It wouldn’t be any fun at work if two people were at odds after a breakup.
Shannon walked Marigold through the metric ton of paperwork that needed to be completed for a new hire. There was no way she would remember it all next time, but at least she would have a grasp on it. Then Shannon printed everything out for Logan to sign. John witnessed everything. Duncan came out of his office as Logan was finishing up, and shook his hand.
“Welcome to the group. We’ll try not to work you too hard at first.” Duncan grinned, obviously playing.
“I don’t mind hard work, sir. I’m curious what I’ll be doing for you, though.”
Duncan glanced at John, then back at Logan. “We’ll probably start you off watching surveillance tapes or going over case files. Believe me, we’ll find what you’re good at.”
Logan nodded, bracing against his crutches. “I have no doubt, and the Army will be more than happy to help out the Marines.”
A dark glitter lit Duncan’s eyes, and he barked out with laughter. “Oh, buddy, you’re going to fit in just right,” he laughed.
* * *
John grinnedwhen Shannon stopped at his office a little while later.
“Another chick to mother over.”
Shannon laughed and sank down in the chair across from him. Then the color in her face faded, and she blinked in surprise. John wheeled around the desk to grip her hand. “Are you okay?”