Page 41 of Healing Hope
The admission startled Jess, then intrigued her. Before she could think better of it, she kissed him again, licking deep into his mouth. Their teeth clicked once, then they turned their heads a little more and found the perfect position.
Oh, she wanted to be held by this man, and kept. And kissed. And fucked.
A tremor rippled through his body and his arm quivered. Pulling away from her mouth, he braced above her again, trying to maintain control. Jess looked down the length of their bodies to watch him slide into her. It was so damned erotic.
“I love the sight of you sinking into me, Paul. Can you go harder?”
Gaze flaring with arousal, he pounded into her faster and more forcefully than before. “Touch yourself, Jess. I want to feel you come on my cock.”
Reaching down, she found her clit, and it was so sensitized. She just barely touched it a couple of times with her fingertip, and she was done. The release rolled over her, so strong this time that it clamped her still for a long moment, then she convulsed, clenching around him so tightly.
That was all Paul needed, because he stilled above her, and Jess could feel the pulses of his release. Then he bucked into her, harder than before, his body lost to uncontrollable movement as his orgasm played out. He hissed in pleasure, and Jess wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he collapsed on top of her.
Paul shifted and tried to move, but Jess held him still. “You’re fine. Let’s catch our breath for a minute.”
That seemed fine to him, because he dropped his head next to hers on the mattress and panted into her ear.
Jess relished the feeling of his breath tickling the hair there. She wasn’t sure why she liked it, just that she did. Was it because he was absolutely wiped out, and she’d made him lose control? Or was it just because she loved the interaction between the two of them? Maybe it was just enough to know that she loved it.
Eventually, Paul caught his breath and shifted to the edge of the bed, looking at her around his shoulder. “I think that’s the best sex I’ve had in two years.”
Jess snorted, shifting onto her side and propping her head on her hand. His gaze roved down her body, then back up to linger on her breasts. “The best sex or the only sex?”
Paul grinned rakishly. “Well, it’s kind of the same, right?”
Laughing, she twisted into a stretch, feeling muscles she hadn’t used herself in a while.
“God, woman, you’re killing me,” he said, and headed for the bathroom. The shower started and she grinned. Back where they began. Grabbing two towels from the cupboard, she followed him.
"Here are the top three candidates. Dr. Petrilli also looked over the resumes, and we each settled on one as a favorite. The choice is completely up to you, though.”
Paul looked at the file Jane set on the desk in front of him. “What is this for?”
Jane gave him an odd look. “The nanny position? You had me interview them for you last week when you were out, remember?”
Um, no. “Of course. It just slipped my mind.”
That sounded stupid. Finding a nanny had literally been at the top of his list for the past month, ever since he’d decided caring for an emotional, traumatized child was not a one-man job. He- they- needed long-term help.
The past couple of days he’d been in a sensual fog, if there was such a thing. Once he and Jess had slept together the first time, it was like they had thrown the floodgates wide. They fucked every chance they got. They even took some chances when they shouldn’t have, like this morning. He couldn’t remember what exactly she’d been bent over doing, but Paul’s need had risen, sharp and hard, as he’d stared at her pert ass. Checking to make sure Hope was not in eyeshot, he reached beneath the short dress thing Jess had been wearing and ran his finger down the gusset of her panties. Jess had gasped and gone still, allowing him to touch her. Within seconds, the cloth of her panties were wet as her body readied for him. Before she could protest, he’d grabbed her hand to drag her to his bedroom, telling Hope Jess was going to help him with his prosthetic or some shit. He’d taken her into the bathroom, turned on the fan to muffle their noise, and bent her over the counter, where he’d fucked her till she clamped down around his cock with release.
Last night she’d shown him exactly how limber she was as she rode him, her breasts bouncing high as she teased him to the edge, over and over again, then pulling away and not letting him come. Jess could read the way his body moved and reacted better than anyone ever had before. She could feel by the movement of his body, when his orgasm was approaching, and she would back off or slow down her own movements. The really fucked up part was that she’d worked herself to orgasm several times already, leaving him hungry. Thinking back, Paul knew that he would have done the same — made sure she’d come first before taking his own pleasure — but he’d given her the control that night. Finally,finally, she’d leaned down and kissed the fuck out of him as she ground down. Her kisses were like a shot straight to his cock, and he orgasmed so hard spots danced in his vision. It was the best orgasm he’d ever had.
Jessamy Swan was going to ruin him when she left.
And now he had to pick her replacement. Knowing Jane, any of these three would be perfect for the job.
Paul flipped the folder open. A slightly older woman stared back. She had iron gray hair and warm hazel eyes. He couldn’t really see how she was dressed, but he could see the kind smile on her face. Obviously, this was the one that they’d chosen.
He looked over her stats, and she sounded perfect. The job she’d just left in LA had been because the kids were old enough to care for themselves on their own, without supervision. Plus, she was local to San Diego, so she wouldn’t necessarily have to live in-house.
“Is she available for an interview?”
Jane cocked her head at him. “Have you been reading any of my emails? You have an appointment with her in thirty minutes.”
What the hell. “I’m sorry, Jane. We’ve had a lot going on recently.”