Page 10 of Shadow of the Moon
Devlin pulled up in front of a chain motel, not too expensive and not too cheap, and parked the truck. “I’ll be back.”
She didn’t say anything, just watched him walk into the lobby of the motel. He was limping just a little on his left leg and she wondered what he’d done to hurt it.
“It’s no fucking business of yours,” she snapped at herself, falling yet again into the worried-wife role. She was not that person anymore!
When he climbed back into the truck, he avoided her look. Which made her suspicious. “You did get two rooms, right?”
Devlin grimaced and backed out of the parking spot. “No, I did not. We’ll be safer together.”
Anger burned through her, and it took everything in Amberly’s soul not to yell at him. “I’m not staying with you, Devlin. There’s no fucking way.”
He spun the wheel of the truck as he backed into a parking spot on the opposite side of the motel check-in. Amberly knew he did it to protect the plate of the truck, as well as make it easier to pull away from the building in a hurry.
“I already rented the room, and I don’t have enough cash to get a second one. It’s a done deal, Amber. Don’t worry, there are two beds.”
Without another word, he got out of the truck and headed down the walkway to room 114. Ground floor, away from vending machines. Perfect positioning.
For several seconds, she just sat there, trying to control her anger. Three years ago, she would have been okay with his overhanded way of doing things sometimes. It wasn’t okay now. She followed him into the room, dropping her bags to the bed closest to the bathroom. She dug a change of clothes from her backpack, as well as a small cosmetics bag, and disappeared into the bathroom. She locked the door very firmly behind her, hoping he felt the burning bubble of rage she was fighting to control.