Page 18 of Shadow of the Moon
Amberly hated to admit that Devlin might be right. They could break into the school, but with surveillance cameras and the like now, that was a difficult thing to do while keeping a low profile. Cameras were everywhere, and if she knew the CIA, they were already running programs looking for her face to pop up somewhere around the world.
Traffic cameras had probably gotten her already.
Amberly was still torn about whether she should call in. As it was, she was AWOL, and she could make several assumptions. The gunfire had probably been reported to local police, and the CIA had probably found her picture somewhere. Necco had probably chosen a fairly safe spot to meet her, but as much as she’d run outside, she had no doubt a camera had picked her up somewhere.
Maybe they had also picked up that she’d been shot and assumed she’d gone to ground.
Devlin posed a different set of problems. If she’d been seen with him, people might assume that she was back with her turncoat husband. And the CIA would then be looking for her for an entirely different reason.
Amberly hated all the questions and she knew she would have to call in at some point, just to appease her own peace of mind.
They settled on an out of the way motel. Again, he only got them one room, but she wasn’t going to complain. Even though she’d catnapped all day, she could tell her body was using a lot of energy to fix her arm and she was tired. Not crazy tired, but she knew she would allow him to keep watch over her. Knowing he was there, across the room, had been entirely too comforting last night, and she’d slept like the dead. Actually, she’d slept like she had when he’d come home from deployments years ago, wrapped in his arms and safe.
Devlin had always been protective of her. As she’d grown up and settled on what she’d wanted to do in her life, she’d gotten a lot of resistance to her dreams. When she told people she wanted to protect the country at all costs by joining the CIA, she’d usually been laughed at. It had been a struggle to get people to take her seriously. It wasn’t until she’d done a stint in the Marines, then gotten her bachelor’s degree in international studies and had applied to the CIA before people started taking her seriously. Then she’d had a completely new demographic of people to convince — her superiors — but she’d always been up for the challenge.
Amberly loved the business of being a spy. She loved learning integral information vital to national security, and being a part of the team to act on that information. She missed it. She was in a much smaller division, now, which dealt with dead or inactive cases that hadn’t had a satisfactory ending. She was analyzing data, basically. It was not where she wanted to be, but her credibility had taken a serious hit after Devlin’s defection.
But Devlin had always supported her devotion to her job. Not once had he ever told her to not take a job.
“Do you mind if I shower?” she asked, her mind as tired as her body.
“Not at all,” Devlin said, setting his pack on the bed near the door. He’d also carried in the folder of information, his aluminum rifle case and the envelope of pictures. “When you get done, I’d like to check your arm.”
Amberly said nothing as she slipped into the bathroom. Ugh… nothing like 1970’s pink tile. Dropping her clothes to the floor, she carefully untaped the bandage from her arm, then twisted to look in the mirror. Well, it looked better than it had, but it was still angry and swollen. And very hot. Maybe a cool water shower…
When she stepped out in her tank and black nylon yoga pants, Devlin was sprawled on the far bed, legs crossed and one arm under his head. His eyes were closed, but she had a feeling he was only half asleep.
Laundry was going to be a problem. Chicago was supposed to have been a two-day trip, and she was working on day four of wearing the same clothes. She’d traveled enough in her career to know that she was going to have to buy new clothes or take a couple of hours to do laundry. Neither she wanted to take the time to do.
Her gaze wandered back to Devlin, and his long form. The man could cat nap like a pro. Then her gaze drifted down, along his strong chest and down his stomach to his narrow hips. Those muscles he’d worked so hard for were still there, even though he hadn’t been active for years.
A heated shiver rolled through her and she tore her gaze away. Devlin had been like catnip to her. He’d been her one true weakness, the only person who had ever managed to tap her heart. And her body had sung for him. Just thinking about all the orgasms and all the ways he’d worked her to a frenzy beaded her nipples.
“Sit down and I’ll check your arm,” he said, rolling up on the bed.
Amberly almost jerked, but she managed to catch herself. Of course, he was still awake. She looked down at her chest and busied herself with crossing to the bathroom to set her clothes on the counter. Think non-sexual thoughts. Maybe she could at least rinse out her shirt and panties.
By the time she turned around, her breasts were under control. Kind of. She felt self-conscious. And flushed. She glanced in the mirror. Yep, her chest was mottled. Damn it. Last night she’d been in too much pain to even think about him seeing her boobs that exposed.
Amberly sank to the edge of the bed, and Devlin sat down beside her.
“I don’t like the look of this,” he said, voice deep. “I’ve got a few more antibiotics. I’ll double your dose tonight.”
“It’s hot,” she admitted. “I took a cool shower, but it doesn’t seem to have cooled it at all.”
Devlin’s mouth tightened, and he cleaned the wound. Then he very carefully smeared antibiotic ointment on the wound and wrapped it in gauze.
Amberly drew in a deep breath. They’d been in the car all these hours and she’d been breathing in his scent all that time. It should have been enough, but she found herself drawing him in again since he was leaning close. He’d been in the car as long as she had, but he smelled like man, spicy and sharp. He smelled like he used to when he’d come home from deployment, worn and tired, needing to do laundry and smelling of fuel and desert and gun oil. The machinery scent had become one of her favorites, though, because it meant she was about to be wrapped in his arms. And they would welcome each other home again.
Devlin went still, and she knew why. Her nipples had gone hard again, an oh, so obvious tell that she was aroused. Having his hands on her, even just for this reason, shouldn’t have made her body react. After three years it should have been gone, this weakness to his nearness. Instead, it felt like when they were dating, nervous and excited about possibilities.
Amberly had never seen herself as the woman getting married in a white dress and walking down the aisle to her businessman husband, then popping out 2.5 kids. She and Devlin had been more practical, going before a Justice of the Peace before he left on one of his deployments, and the kids, well… kids were apparently never meant to be for them. They’d tried, but…
She swallowed and backed off a little, her eyes dropping from him.
“Even hurt and in pain and trying to be a bitch, you’re beautiful to me.”