Page 50 of Shadow of the Moon
She hit the brakes and skidded to a stop. Dev scrambled out and reached in the back for Requiem. “Don’t foul my shot,” he warned her, and she grinned at him, taking off after the ATV. Absolute terror filled him, because she was going so fast down the hill. If she didn’t slow down, she could go over the edge. Was she going to ram him?
A man scrambled from the ATV and starting staggering for the helicopter.
Dev dropped to the ground. They had to end this, now. Amberly was giving everything she had to stop a madman, and he could do no less.
Centering himself, he took aim on the chopper. There was a light on in the cockpit and he could see the pilot. Breathing out, Dev tried to focus on the chopper’s trajectory, settling to the ground. There was a second man leaning out the door with a weapon, but he was more invested in the pilot. No pilot, no fly away.
He squeezed his finger on the trigger.
Two things happened at once.
Dev heard Amberly strike something with the Jeep, then the skittering of gravel as she hit her brakes. The Jeep, as hardy as it was, couldn’t stop at that speed and he watched in horror as the vehicle slid off the side of the mountain.