Page 57 of Shadow of the Moon
“That I would want to go back to the team that didn’t believe in me?” Dev finished for him. “That took the CIA’s word over my own? No, thanks. There’s a level of trust that a team needs to share.
“Dev,” Gravy said, leaning forward, “you have to understand. They played us this recording and it sounded exactly like you.”
Ah, yes, that doctored recording. He should have known. He relented a little, and tried to force a smile. “I understand, Gravy. But I won’t be coming back. Thank you for asking.” He stood up and moved toward the door, opening it. “If you’ll let the brass know.”
Gravy looked at him incredulously, then pushed to his feet. “I will.” He stopped in front of Dev at the door. “I’m sorry, Dev. You’re completely right. We should have had more faith in you. If you ever need us, please call us. We’d like a chance to make it up to you.”
Reaching into his wallet, he retrieved a business card and handed it over. Dev took the card, but didn’t look at it.
“Thank you.”
And Gravy left.
Dev watched him go, feeling sad and frustrated.
“That was hard to listen to,” Amberly whispered, “because I know I did the same thing.”
He turned, finding her standing behind him, arms crossed over her stomach. “Yes,” he agreed simply. “And that hurts.”
Tears filled her siver-gray eyes, and she rubbed them away with her fingers. “I’m sorry, Devlin. So very sorry.”
Tears started to drip down her cheeks, and Dev had to move. Amberly wasn’t a crier, no matter what. “It’s okay, babe. I didn’t love them the way I love you.”
That made her cry harder. “Why would you tell me that? You’re basically saying, if you love me you can hurt me.”
“No,” he said, chuckling softly. “I love you, and I realize that sometimes in relationships, one person gets hurt, but because they love the other person, they’re willing to forgive and try again.”
Her tears fell harder, and she sobbed, burrowing into his chest. They held each other for a long time, until Dev drew back to wipe her face. “I love you, Amberly Jade Temple. And I want you to know that I will always love you, no matter what.”
“And I will you, too,” she vowed. “I should have had more faith in you last time, but I didn’t, and I’m truly sorry about that. I listened to what my head was screaming, when I should have been listening to what my heart was whispering.”
He smiled down at her. “Thank you for that. And now I’m going to have some faith in you.” Reaching into his pocket, he bent down on one knee, pulling out a stunning solitaire ring. “Amberly Jade Temple, I’ve loved you since the moment I met you. Would you be willing to marry this devil again?”
Laughing, she kneeled down in front of him. “Yes, happily. And here’s my show of faith. Let’s go to Gatlinburg and do it today.”
Devlin laughed, taken off guard. “Seriously?”
Amberly nodded. “Completely. Let’s go.”
So, seven hours later, after pulling some serious strings, they were married in front of the Justice of the Peace in Sevierville, Tennessee.
Moon Devil couldn’t have been happier.