Page 50 of Finally Moore
“Yeah, I know it doesn’t seem like it, but she loves the snow. Her dad used to rent a cabin in the mountains for skiing, and while she was never the athletic type, Trish always appreciated the backdrop. She and Rhea—sorry, I mean Scarlett. She and Scarlett would always hang out in the lobby, sipping cocoa and reading whatever books they packed for the trip.” Kasey must notice the confused expression on my face, because that sure as hell doesn’t sound anything like their relationship now. “I know… Things didn’t used to be this tough between them. There was a time when the girls were inseparable.” He sighs. “I know they miss each other, but they’re just both too stubborn to admit it.”
I consider pressing for more details, even asking what happened, but decide to bite my tongue. Not that I don’t want to know. I’d just rather hear it directly from Scarlett. It feels like the sort of thing she should tell me, when she’s ready.
Kasey’s watch beeps. “Speaking of, the girls are done at the spa. I should probably head back and rescue Trisha from Ginny.”
I glance at the time. I can’t believe how long we’ve been driving around.
“Brittany has been going on and on about that Christmas Village in town, so we’re going to take her again tonight. Plus, I wanted to talk to the owner about the venue. I swiped up a few brochures showcasing some of the weddings they’ve hosted there.”
“You’re thinking of getting marriedhere?” I ask. With all the money and resources at Kasey Dawson’s disposal, I’m honestly surprised he’d consider getting married in our little town.
“Thinking about it,” he says. “At least for our real wedding. I want something quiet and private so that I don’t have to worry about paparazzi crashing in on us. Then we’ll do a more public reception later. Plus, if we have it here, Scarlett can’t get out of attending.” He smiles, pauses, then sighs. “Look, I know I have no right to ask, but do you think you could talk to her? I really think if Scarlett and Trish could sit and talk, even for five minutes, they could start to put this all behind them.”
I chew on my response. I know something big must have happened to cause the divide between the sisters, but at the same time, I don’t get the sense that there’s a lot of animosity coming from Scarlett’s side. Though it’s clear that—whatever history these three have—it bothers her. I consider my options for a moment before deciding that, at the end of the day, as much as Kasey Dawson happens to be one of my all-time favorite actors, the fact remains that Scarlett Valentine is my friend.
If we can even call what we are that anymore?
No matter what we call it, my answer remains the same. “Kasey, I’m sure you have everyone’s best interests at heart but—”
“Enough said, man.” He gives me a friendly pat on the shoulder. “Honestly, I’m an idiot for even asking. I’m glad she found you. Rhe—Scarlettdeserves to be happy. I’ve known her since we were kids, and you… I’ve just never seen her this happy before.”
“Thanks,” is the only reply I can muster up. I’m too stunned to communicate how relievedandconfused this makes me.
“Are you going back to the inn?” Kasey asks me.
“Actually, I’m going to head over to my family’s house. I need to prep a few things for tomorrow.”
Jax looks surprised by my answer. Probably because I delegated the majority of the prep work to Logan, so that all I had left to do was cook on the day of.
“Sounds good.” Kasey nods. “Do you need a ride there? Or I can…”
“No, it’s on the way home for me,” Jax interjects.
“See you guys tomorrow,” Kasey says, then turns around and makes his way back to his vehicle.
“See ya,” Jax and I say at the same time.
Jax turns back to me as soon as Kasey is out of earshot. “What happened?”
“Dude, don’t even try lying to me. I’ll drag your ass straight to Tilly, and good luck trying to pull that shit on your sister,” he threatens.
“I hooked up with Scarlett.” I sigh and rake a hand through my hair.
“Okay,” Jax draws out, appearing confused. “I don’t see the problem.”
“I think that’s exactly it.”
“Now you’ve lost me.”
“I don’t think I can pretend with her anymore… I don’t want it to be fake.”
“So, you like her? Like really, really like her?”
“What are we? Twelve?” I roll my eyes. “Of course I fucking like her. I think I might even—” I stop myself from saying that heavy, four-letter word. “I think if we gave this a real go, she might be the one. I’m not sure I can keep pretending when what I’m feeling is very real.”
Jax scratches the top of his head. “Maybe you should talk to Scarlett? What if she’s feeling the same way?”