Page 65 of Finally Moore
“Yeah, the whole family, the town—it’s something else really.”
“When you left, I was mad,” Trisha tells me out of nowhere.
“You were mad?” I hiss.
“Please… just give me a second.”
I want to tell her no, that she doesn’t deserve a second of my time, but when I notice the tears pooling in her eyes, I nod in agreement. We step off to the side of the party for a little privacy.
“I know what happened hurt you, and I’m sorry for that. It’s a guilt I’m going to have to live with for the rest of my life. That being said, I won’t apologize for loving Kasey or for being happy with him, because I’m not sorry for that. I hate how it happened and, more so, how you found out.”
The flashback of seeing them together rears its ugly head in my mind, but I must have become desensitized to it, because it doesn’t sting as much right now.
“I know it will take time… I just really hope that one day you’ll be able to forgive me. You were my best friend—” I open my mouth to speak but she presses forward. “I know I fucked that up. Roles reversed, I’d hate me to—”
“I don’t hate you,” I finally admit not just to her, but to myself.
“No? Because not speaking to me for two years, ignoring my texts and calls, says differently.”
“Fine, maybe I hated you a little at first,” I confess. However, her quirked brow tells me she’s not buying it. “Fine,a lot. I would curse your name every time the image of you fucking him decided it was time for me to have a good cry. But when all that anger faded away and the reality that I wasn’t meant for that world—orhimhonestly—settled in, I just felt…” I take a deep breath. “…sad, embarrassed, stupid. I’m not sure what the right word is. I wanted to reach out, but I just couldn’t.”
“I know I have no right to say this, but seeing you here, your inn, your relationship with Scott… it truly seems like everything worked out for the best. I’m not saying that to justify my actions. It’s just that I’ve known you almost our whole lives and I’ve never seen you as happy as you are here.”
“Are you and Kasey…? Are you both happy?”
The biggest smile spreads across her face. “I’ve never been happier. I love him and so does Brittany. He adores and cares for her as if she were his own flesh and blood. He’s already put in the paperwork to adopt her.”
I glance out at the happy little girl and it warms my heart. I remember how special I felt when Trisha’s dad,mydad, asked if he could adopt me. It was just a little piece of paper, but it meant the world to me. While my biological sperm donor wrote me off the day I was conceived, this man, who owed me nothing, chose me. I always feared Brittany wouldn’t get to experience that. Despite everything that happened, I know Kasey is a good man, and I expect nothing less from him.
“I’m not anticipating that you’ll just forgive and forget,” Trisha says. “But maybe… we can start off slow? You know, talk again? At least more than once every two years? I know I’m asking a lot and it’s selfish of me, but I miss having my sister.”
“I’d like that,” I tell her, and surprise myself with the admission. For as long as I could remember, Trisha was my confidant. As wonderful of a friend as Hannah is, she isn’t my sister.
“Thank you.” Trisha pulls me into a hug. “You have no idea how happy I am.”
“Me too.”
“With your next little niece or nephew on the way, I really didn’t want them to miss out on getting to know their amazing AuntieScar.”
“You’re pregnant?” I ask her, taken aback for a moment.
She nods with a genuine smile on her face. “I just found out the other day. I mean, I suspected it, but I just officially took the test.”
“Does Kasey—”
“No, I’m waiting until tomorrow, as a Christmas surprise. You’re the first person I wanted to tell.”
“Congratulations.” I squeeze her tightly again.
“We should get back to the party, before the boys worry about us.” Trisha pulls back, her eyes land on my neck, and she laughs. “Here,” she says, pulling my hair forward so it curls over my one shoulder. I give her a confused look, and she quickly clarifies, “Hickey.”
“Oh, crap.”
“Don’t worry, I don’t think anyone’s noticed. Though, with the way you two seem to be going at it, who knows? Maybe you’ll be joining me on this little pregnancy journey by the new year.”
Chapter twenty-seven