Page 70 of Finally Moore
“Do you think she’ll be mad?” I wince.IfKasey is right and everything with Scott is real, and we do come clean, I don’t want all the good of this last week to be tarnished by the lies.
Maybe you should have thought of that before asking someone to pretend to be your fiancé?
“Honestly?” Kasey chuckles. “I think she’ll be proud that you put all your skills to good use and committed to preforming one heck of a show this week.”
I laugh and wipe away the last of my tears. “You’re probably right.”
“Well.” He pushes to his feet. “I should go check on the girls. They were in a sugar coma last I checked, and if they’re going to function at all today, they’re going to need some protein.”
“Kasey,” I call out, and he stops to look at me over his shoulder. “Thank you.”
He smiles but doesn’t say anything before leaving. I continue to clean up, but not out of stress, more as something to fill the time until Scott returns. While so much seems uncertain in the moment, one thing I know for sure is that I miss him, and I can’t wait for tomorrow and the chance to finally make this all real.
Chapter twenty-nine
Igazeoutthestill partially frosted windshield as I sit outside my family’s home, looking for answers in the falling snow as to what I should do. On one hand, maybe Scarlett just needs some time to process things. Afterwards, I can explain that the ring might have been the wrong gesture but that the intention was the same. Not that I’m proposing, because that would be insane. Only that I can see a real future for us if we’re willing to give it a genuine go.
Then again, maybe time and space are the worst things to give her? What if my window to salvage what’s left of our relationship is closing as I sit here, while she’s alone with her thoughts, convincing herself that this is all an act?
Knock, knock, knock.
I glance out my driver’s side window and find my brother Robbie standing there.
“What are you doing?” he asks as I roll down the glass.
“Debating over the meaning of life,” I admit.
My older brother chuckles as he shakes his head. “Seems like you’re right on schedule. Why don’t you come in? Everyone is waiting for you before opening presents.”
That fact alleviates some of the looming negativity that seemed to settle around me. Honestly, I didn’t expect anyone to wait for me now that they all have their own families. But there’s still one problem. “Scarlett—”
“Come inside,” Robbie urges. “Just trust me, okay?”
While you wouldn’t think it, he’s always had this weird sixth sense for this kind of stuff, and instinct tells me that he’s right. My family put me in this mess; they can help take me out of it. With a renewed outlook on the situation, I get out of my truck and follow my big brother inside.
“Where’s Scarlett?” My sister hounds me the second I step through her door.
“Hello, Tilly. Merry Christmas to you too.”
She waves me off. “Yeah, yeah, where is Scar?” Clearly, I know where her priorities lie.
“She’s back at the inn, with her family. What the heck?” I say as I almost step on a passed-out Killian Murphy. Though my first thought isat leasthe’s dressed.Especially since the twins are using him as a backrest as they play with their blocks on the floor.
Tilly frowns. “She didn’t want to come with you? I guess I can understand wanting to spend time with your family…”
“Scott’s having some lady problems.” Robbie hands me a beer. I don’t normally drink at ten in the morning butfuck it.It’s Christmas.
“Problems?” Tilly crosses her arms. “What did you do?”
“What did I do? Let’s talk about what you did!” I fire back.
“Hey,” Jax says and swoops in to run interference.
“I haven’t done anything,” Tilly says, and I give her a pointed glare. “Okay, maybe a few things, but still, this isn’t my fault.”
“No?” I question sarcastically before rising the pitch of my voice to mimic my sister’s. “Oh, Scott, give her this ring. It’ll be so incredible.”