Page 77 of Finally Moore
“Old crush?” Effie scoffs. “If I’m ever fortunate enough to meet some tall, hunky guy, who calls mekittenand makes me purr, I don’t care if he’s an old crush, the biggest nerd from high school, or a complete stranger. We’re running away together.”
Her best friend Toni chuckles. They are newer additions to our group. I tried to get Hannah to join but it interferes with her schedule—plus, she doesn’t exactly enjoy reading.
“They say less is more, and I absolutely loved that I was able to devour this story in a couple of hours,” Sally adds.
“Yes, especially with how hectic the holidays are. This was a perfect short and spicy little read,” Patty states. “I’ve already added all of Elyse’s books to my queue. I was so excited to see that she has a ton of quick reads to help satisfy my cravings.”
“What I want to know is where do people learn this stuff? Like rope play? Not judging,” Michelle clarifies, and I doubt anyone thought she was. “It just seems like a very intensive kink that requires a lot of time and dedication. I’m curious how people get into it.”
“I’m guessing for everyone it’s different,” Effie chimes in. “I was dabbling in restraints and met a guy who was into Shibari. And from there, it was a ton of research.”
“You never told me you were a rope bunny!” Toni elbows her friend.
“With how vanilla you and Josh like things, I didn’t think to bring it up.” A weird look is shared between the friends.
“What about you, Scar?” Patty is the one to break the awkward silence. “You’ve been uncharacteristically quiet this evening.”
“Oh…” I clear my throat. “I loved it. Elyse Kelly is a one-click author of mine. If you liked this one, I strongly recommend her Heated series.”
Everyone shares a look that sayswe know about you and Scott but we aren’t talking about it.The conversation quickly moves from our current read to a brief look into Shibari as Effie goes into detail about some of her favorite scenes. I keep glancing over at the café, hoping to see him, but as Tilly walks in front of me with a chair, I realize the group is over and I’m the freak sitting here staring off into the distance.
“Hey, let me help you with that.” I take the chair from my friend—at least I still hope she’s my friend—and stack it in the corner with the rest.
“Thanks.” Tilly is being polite, but based on the total lack of eye contact, I can tell she’s reserved.
“No Cassie tonight?” I continue the small talk.
“Nova got her shots earlier and has been fussy all day, so she stayed home to give the baby extra mommy snuggles.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Tell her I hope she feels better.”
“Why not tell her yourself?” Tilly stops cleaning up and stares at me. “Look, I’m not sure what happened between you and Scott—that’s your business, not mine. I’ve learned my lesson and I’m keeping out of it. But just because you two didn’t work out, it doesn’t mean we have to stop being friends.” Tilly pauses. “Unless you don’t want to be—”
“God no,” I say with a relieved sigh. “I’m sorry. I just wasn’t sure, and I did what I do best…”
“Hide away,” Tilly says for me.
“Exactly.” I nod and we pull each other into a hug. “I did really miss talking to you… all of you.”
“Us too.” She squeezes me close.
Things still feel a little awkward. But I know, with time, we can put this whole mess behind us and move on. Although I’m ready to hang out with Tilly and the girls, I’m not ready to see Scott—not yet.
Then a thought occurs to me. “Hey, do you have any New Year’s Eve plans?” I’m sure she and Cassie have some sort of family-focused night on their radar, while Scott will more than likely be off spending a romantic evening with his new girlfriend and won’t be there. “I’m not really feeling the big party scene this year, and if you wouldn’t mind me crashing, I’d love to hang out. I can even bring some sparkling cider!”
“That sounds amazing,” Tilly says, and I’m already feeling pumped for the new year. “But… I can’t.” She looks away and appears to contemplate before elaborating further, “I’m actually going to Chicago.”
I stare at her, confused, because that doesn’t sound like something she and Jax would normally do. Unless maybe he has a work thing?
“But, hey, Jax will be home with the boys, and if they’re feeling up to it, I’m sure Cassie and Robbie will come over. You guys can all hang out together.”
“Why are you going to Chicago? Without your husband?” My eyebrows knit together. Clearly, I’m missing something.
Tilly hesitates again. “Well, I kind of promised Scott that if you two didn’t work out, I’d be his fallback date. Granted, when I agreed to it, I was certain you two were going to be a thing. Sorry… I know that’s awkward to hear and, again, I’m not mad. I get it. Scott wasn’t what you were looking for. Which is totally okay—”
“Why isn’t he going with Amanda?”
“Amanda?” Tilly tilts her head and glares at me. “Why would he go with her? She’s married.”