Page 52 of My Alien Jewel
“Mmm,” Z’Ree hums in agreement. “When two crystal kin meet, their crystals begin to sing to each other. The song draws them together and compels them to…well, to mate.”
I focus on the low, barely noticeable humming sound inside of me. Everything she said sounds perfect, except… “I’m not a Silithrae. I don’t have any crystals inside of my body.” As far as I know, anyway. “Yet…it feels like my body is singing to yours. So, does that mean we are fated mates? Crystal kin?”
“It seems so,” she replies, her voice solemn.
“But…isn’t that a good thing?” Why is she so sad about it?
“Well, if it wasn’t for the bond, you wouldn’t have—”
I interrupt her. “Yes, I would have. Don’t even go there, Z’Ree. This vibration thing started the moment I touched you but I’ve been interested in you since long before that. I love you, Z’Ree,” I repeat, hoping that if I say it often enough, perhaps it will get through her crystalline skull. “Crystal kin or not. This just seems like a sign from the universe that we’re perfect for each other. I mean, what are the odds? That you have one mate in the entire universe and it’s me? That’s…” I shake my head in disbelief. “Amazing.”
Z’Ree still looks troubled. “I’m happy you’re my crystal kin, Nikolai. Beyond happy. But there’s one more important thing I need to tell you. I can have sex with anyone I like but my crystal kin is the only person I can have children with.”
I still don’t see the issue. “I love children. I don’t—”
“Nikolai.” She grips my arms and gives me a slight shake. “Let me finish. Crystal kin always conceive during their first mating. Always.”
Blinking slowly, my brain struggles to catch up with my ears. “Are you saying that…”
“I’m pregnant, Nikolai.”
Chapter 27
My heart stops.
With me?
I can’t breathe. I can’t think. I can’t move an inch. I’m…going to be a father?
There’s a bubbling up of happiness inside my chest that’s growing, getting larger and larger until it consumes me completely. Nothing exists beyond my happiness, Z’Ree, and…our baby?
I’m guessing I’ve been quiet for too long as Z’Ree’s face falls and she steps back from me. “I’m sorry. I really am. I didn’t recognize the crystal kin song. It didn’t even occur to me because you’re human and I… It’s all my fault. I didn’t… I couldn’t…” Tears roll down her cheeks, tinkling on the floor. “I didn’t do this on purpose. I promise, I wasn’t trying to trap you or anything like that. Please don’t hate me.”
Pulling Z’Ree into my arms, I gently place a finger under her chin and nudge her to look at me. “I could never hate you, Z’Ree. I love you. And I couldn’t be happier about having a baby with you. This is great news.” And to think I’ve been dreading this conversation for hours!
“But…” She blinks, two more tears emerging out of the corners of her eyes. “We just met and—”
“And like you said, we’re meant to be together. Who cares if we have a baby now or in a year? I love you and nothing is going to change that. I can’t wait to love our baby, too.” It’s a miracle to think we’re genetically compatible at all. She’s part crystal! I hope our baby has her gorgeous eyes. Her skin. Her hair. Damn, I hope our baby is as beautiful as her and not dull like plain old me.
I reverently place my palm over Z’Ree’s stomach. A baby. If she were human, it wouldn’t even be considered an embryo yet, just a zygote beginning its journey to the uterus. A human woman wouldn’t even have a clue she’s pregnant. But Z’Ree isn’t human and if she claims we’re going to have a baby, I believe her.
We’re going to have a baby!
“Nikolai…” Z’Ree sniffles. She still hasn’t stopped crying.It doesn’t sound like the good kind of crying either. “I didn’t know. I didn’t realize before I went outside and now…”
Bone-chilling terror bursts my happy bubble. “The radiation,” I breathe out. “Fuck.”
Z’Ree nods, sniffling. “I didn’t know… I’m so sorry. I think it should be alright. I mean, the baby is half Silithrae, right? But… Please, don’t hate me, Nikolai,” she whispers before breaking down into a sobbing heap.
I hold Z’Ree against me, letting her cry while reigning in my own fears. I need to be calm and composed for her. “Z’Ree, I already told you. I could never hate you. Please stop saying that. Look, it’s going to be alright. If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. If not, then we’ll try again later. I promise. I’m here for you. Stay with me, alright?”
She mumbles something that I take to mean she agrees with me.