Page 4 of Summertime Secret
“Am I about to make a fool of myself?” I wonder, foot raised to step into the thickest part of the woods, where he was last night.
For a moment, I hesitate. I got lost last night. He was there to help me, to keep me from going too far. His gentle warnings kept me from going further and winding up so lost I couldn’t find my way out. How can I know that he will be here tonight to make sure I don’t wind up in the middle of a place I do not belong.
“I will come for you, sunshine.”
Something inside of my chest twists up at the growled warning. At the very idea he might not want me here. That I might not belong here. I start to back up when I see movement on either side of me. It is too dark to see anything, but I can feel that I have indeed acted a fool.
Stumbling backwards, my fight or flight instinct tells me to get flying. Even being unable to see anything I know I am being watched. It is not the same as last night. Last night I knew I was safe. Even without a clue who—or what—was watching me, I knew I was in no danger.
Danger seems to rise up on all sides of me at once now.
“Such a pretty thing,” a voice growls, followed by a low hiss.
Frowning at the darkness, I cock my head. I am both flattered by the compliment and frightened by whoever gave it. I back up faster, still clutching my basket of muffins. What was I thinking, coming out here as if I am little red riding hood?
“Smells delicious, too,” another deeper, rougher voice bites out.
“Oh, the muffins? Here, I brought these for...well, for whoever was out here that might want some muffins. Have them. Enjoy them.”
Setting the basket down, I try to back up fast. Before I take a step, I sense something moving on either side of me. Caging me in. My heart is thundering against my ribs, my breath rattling in my lungs. I am not safe here. There is something here that wants to hurt me.
Stumbling back, I blink back the tears in my eyes. Why am I crying? Because I am in danger or because I never got to find him? Am I upset because I am scared or because I am tired of being scared?
“Be calm, sunshine,” that warm voice that filled my dreams all night calls out to me. Just like that, I am calm. My tears still slip down my cheeks, but I stop moving. I stop panicking. I close my eyes and wait. I am unsure what I am waiting for, but I know I need to be still.
“Out of borders, boys. Get gone. Don’t make me shift, I rather not show my bad side tonight.”
His words roar in the darkness, a warning of some kind. There is a hiss of discontent from either side of us. Again, there is movement I feel but cannot see. I am struggling to breathe, to be still, to wait for whatever it is that will come next.
There is a warmth at my back, an all-encompassing warmth. I am warmed right down to my toes. With my eyes still closed tight, I take a step back. Closer to this warmth. A soft little purr hums against my back as I hit the firm wall of man standing behind me.
“Good girl, sunshine. Better at trusting an instinct than most. Were those muffins for them, sweetheart? Or did you make them for me?”
“For you. I wanted to see you again. It might not have been safe for me to come now but...I am safe, with you here, right?”
“Yes, sweetheart. No one and nothing can hurt you with me at your side. You know I mean that, don’t you? If you know nothing else about me, you know that, yes?”
“Y-yes. I do. You won’t hurt me. Let anyone hurt me. Last night I....I knew it. How can I know that? Who are you?”
A soft, low chuckle hums behind me and sends a fork of heat through me. I shudder and move back more, pressing closer to him. Big, heavy hands come to my hips. I expect him to stop me, but he doesn’t. No, he pulls me back tight against his chest.
Sighing, I let myself fall back against his warmth, a shudder running through me. I gasp when I feel his lips on my neck, brushing softly against my skin. His teeth nip at my thrumming pulse, and I let out a little moan as something inside of me claws to get out.
“Who do you want me to be, sunshine?” His voice is hot as it pours over me, his hands tightening on my hips.
“Well, Ididmake you muffins. So, someone who likes muffins.”
“Hmm, I would devour anything you fed me, sweetheart,” he growls the words, his mouth hot against my skin. I am trembling against him, my back to his front, my eyes still closed tight.
“Why did you just have to save me? And last night too. You said there were dangerous things out here. But you’re not one of them?”
“Oh, yes,I amone of them. I am just no danger toyou.”
“I... I dreamt about you all night. What did you do to me? Is it magic? They talk about the magic in Moon Haven. Is that what this is? Was I called here again because of some sort of magic?”
“No, sweetheart, it is not magic. It is fate. We were fated to find one another. Neither of us had a clue before last night, but we both know it now. Don’t you, sweetheart? Don’t you feel what I am feeling?”
Whimpering, my head falls back on his shoulder. He snakes a hand up to wrap it around my throat, his mouth working at my skin. I welcome the pressure of his strong hands at my throat, the warmth of his lips at my skin. I am shaking as my body presses back against his, seeking something.