Page 51 of Master A-0011
He hit the button for the elevator, leading us in. As we got inside, he immediately stepped before Kayla, lowering to crouch and stare at her belly. His hand lifted, molding around the side.
“What are we thinking for dinner?” His eyes rose to Kayla, but he went back to staring at the bump under the raspberry-colored dress she wore.
Her lips twisted. “Something with mashed potatoes. I’m craving them like crazy.”
“Then you’ll have as much as you can eat,” he added in, his hand slightly shifting. “And cake. Cheesecake.”
“Elec.” One of Kayla’s hand’s rose. “I can’t. Not yet. I ate half of the entire thing you had delivered yesterday for breakfast. You’re spoiling me.”
“Ice cream, then. With hot fudge.”
Her head cocked to the side.
“That does sound good.”
“See,” he whispered. “Uncle Elec will take care of you.Always. Now, let’s go eat.”
He stood again, taking his place at my side just as the doors opened. The buzz of voices had anxiety hitting but it faded as weleft the elevator and neared the opened double doors. Masters and Mistresses called out in greeting to the Main Master. Elec was poised. His smile was charming. And me, I kept my spine straight and my head high as we swept through the threshold.
The tables were decently filled as we walked through the center of the room. People whispered to each other, their voices buzzing as they took us in. As we turned, I saw Ethan, and all of it stopped, fading away with the racing of my heart. He was at the very back table, talking to a waiter. He glanced over to us, doing a double-take and easing to his feet. The waiter was still talking, but Ethan seemed to hear none of it as his stare held mine.
“Look at him, Pearl. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so in awe.” Elec slowed us to a stop, halfway through the room. When he turned me to face him, I couldn’t help but scan his conflicting gaze. Something was wrong with the Main Master. Different. I could feel it in the deepest recesses within me, and yet it made no sense as he portrayed a confident, if not slightly sad, protector. “Tonight will be unlike any other for you and Ethan. It’s your first night as a Mistress in Couple status. It marks a week until your marriage. And if we’re lucky, I timed this perfect enough that maybe your purpose will truly begin.”
“A baby.”
Warmth appeared in his soft smile. “Let’s hope.” He glanced over. “Ethan’s waiting for you. Go show him how much you’ve missed him.”
I pushed on my toes, kissing the Main Master’s cheek. “I won’t forget this.”
“I know.”
My smile grew as I stepped back, turning to Ethan. With every step that brought me closer, I felt the screams increase a little more. I wasn’t so worried about them as I gazed into adoring green eyes. I could have forgotten the world in ourmoment. And maybe a part of me did as he rushed forward, scooping me into his arms to kiss.
It was a kiss worthy of an Oscar. A kiss that stopped time itself. My heart had never been so consumed by bliss, yet so cold with abandon. Even as we held and lost ourselves in each other, the missing piece that lingered in the shadows always walked the razor’s edge of my mind. Cutting a little here. Carving out a little there. What happened when it finally cut itself free?
Only time would tell. Maybe it never would.
“God, I missed you. Fuck. Let’s never be apart again.”
“Let me look at you.”
Ethan leaned his head back, cupping each side of my face. His thumb traced over where the scar used to be.
“Do you hate me this way? I know you liked the scar.”
“Hate you?” His head shook. “The Main Master was right. Elec…” His lips pressed together. “He made me see that this wasn’t about me. A husband is responsible for creating the happiest environment for his wife. And that’s what I am, Pearl. I’m going to be your husband. I’m not your Master anymore. You needed this, and I’m just glad it’s me that gets to be by your side while you embrace your new self.”
As the waiter reapproached with a large tray, Ethan’s eyes lit up. He led me over to the table, pulling my chair up almost right next to his.
“I have a very special night planned for us.”
I took my seat, letting him push the chair in for me. Before he came around, he dipped down, kissing my cheek. I could see his excitement and the pure elatedness to have me back. He took his place across from me as our plates were put down before us.
“Pearl, I want this to be a testament for our new life together.” He reached for my left hand, holding it as he pulled aring from his pocket with his other. The Mallory Diamond had me gasping and tears blinding me. I took it in, surrounded by smaller, equally dazzling diamonds. As he continued, he slowly slid it up my finger. “I willneverlet anyone hurt you again. Not even me. I will love you. Protect you. Honor you. And I will do everything in my power to give you a life far superior than any other man can provide. My role as a future husbandand father” he rushed out, “will come before any other role I fill. Let me love you like you’re meant to be loved. I promise you won’t ever regret it. Say yes and be my wife, Pearl. For real this time.The right way.”