Page 6 of Master A-0011
“Do you really think he’ll like it?”
“He’ll love it.”
Almost immediately, the two women rushed by, still whispering and giggling. A blue robe drifted to the floor not inches from me, and I glanced up, my stare locking as Ethan sprung from the bed. The glass of liquor exploded against the wall at his throw, and he locked his fist in the dark-haired one’s hair, jerking her back with brutal force so he could face her. A loud yelp filled the room, and her smile transitioned to horror as he lifted his hand higher, forcing her nude body to tiptoe through the pull.
“Master? Master!”
Her hands flew up as she tried to grab to the hand that held to her hair. She barely made contact with his wrist when his other hand shot out, gripping her throat. A deep blush flooded her face, spreading and webbing as his hold increased. Her mouth dropped open, and her toes scraped across the floor as he drew her in inches from his glare. It was clear she wasn’t getting oxygen as she raked her nails down the backs of his hands. Terrified eyes bulged as the exotic woman tried thrashing in his hold.
Flickers of disgust and rage transformed the actor’s face, but they weren’t fake.They were real. They were…terrifying.
“This didn’t take long, did it? I knew by your walk. Not confidence, conceitedness. Entitlement. Vanity. Ireally, reallyhate that in a person.”
The other woman scrambled into the bathroom, slamming the door shut, but the Master only had eyes for the woman whose face was turning a deep purple. Her mouth kept gaping through the torturous seconds, and her arms were barely moving to hit against our Master as he dragged it out even longer.
“For the record…I see no beauty in you. I grew up living this. Seeing it in the people I thought I loved. I didn’t love them.I hated them. Every single one. My father. My mother. Girlfriends. Overinflated ego. You think because you’re beautiful, the world owes you. My parents had that mindset too.” His head shook. “It disgusts me.Enrages me.” He moved her closer as her arms tried to lift but couldn’t. “Every part of you is ugly, and before you die, you’re going to see it.”
As fast as he had grabbed her, he dropped her.
The slave’s body hit the ground hard, and she sucked in deep gulps of air, coughing and choking at the same time. It was only when my stare shot up to see Ethan’s eyes back on me that I felt how truly hard I was pressing into the wall. His gaze didn’t leave me as he reached down, dragging the slave by the hair and bringing her inches from my own face.
“I-I’m sorry,” I rushed out.
The Master’s brow drew in. “Not you.” He shook the woman.“Apologize!”
A scream came from the bathroom at Ethan’s roar, and I jumped as the slave burst into tears, sobbing in a raspy, hoarse tone.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not. Uncuff her.”
Trembling fingers worked at the buckles, and the woman’s face drew in as her stare lifted to mine. She was crying so hard she could barely catch her breath. With the hysterics, her fingers fumbled, seeming to take forever until she got one cuff undone. When the Master brought his other hand back up to trace his fingertips along her throat, she stiffened and cringed, almost appearing not to breathe. The tears still flowed like a faucet, but she was more whimpering through her sobs now.
“Almost there. Focus, slave.”
“I-I’m try-ing.”
The second cuff fell free, and I grew even foggier as I watched him lower to sit behind her. The slave’s body shook through her cries as his arms eased around her biceps, gently pinning them to her side. His head lowered until his mouth was level with her ear, and Ethan’s gaze penetrated mine as he spoke.
“Look at her, slave. Tell me what you see.”
Was he talking to me? Her?
The slave broke down in silent sobs, but not me. I answered him.
“Beauty. Terror. A beautiful fear.”
Nothing. Not approval. Not anger. The Master was stoic as his gaze left my eyes and it swept over my face. His mouth pursed and he turned his face into hers.
“Now, you.What. Do. You. See?”
Nothing. She just kept crying.
Ethan sunk his teeth into her neck, biting down as blood began to push past his lips. The exotic brunette screamed at the top of her lungs, trying her best to fight. Her legs kicked against me, but she wasn’t able to get ground or break his hold.