Page 20 of Deadly Cravings
I jumped, releasing a mixture of a squeal and a yelp as I let go of the knocker and the thud resonated as hard as my thundering heart. My heel slipped out from under me and my arms windmilled, but before I went tumbling down the stairs, the twin with the longer hair—Asher—wrapped his arm around my waist, clutching me tightly to him.
His body was warm and the grip he had on me fastened me to his muscled chest. I blinked up at the laughing blue eyes.
“Catalina,” I wheezed. “My name.”
The corner of his eyes crinkled with his smirk. He was too close and smelled sweet, like vanilla. I inhaled deeply. It was addicting.
Something hardened into my hip and I yanked back, putting distance between us.
My face heated.
“Are you always horny?”
“Only for you,” he murmured, leaning over to get in my face, so close that our noses almost touched.
I valiantly attempted to contain my nervous laugh. His lips quirked and his finger tapped my nose, cutting me off.
“That’s the first time I’ve ever been laughed at. I was expecting more of a swoon.”
My nose scrunched as he stared at me expectantly. I licked my lips and took a deep breath. Approaching them was my choice, I couldn’t wimp out now.
“Vampires aren’t really my thing, but thanks.”
He blinked at me and the corners of his lips twitched as he tilted his head.
I shuffled my feet and cleared my throat. Why was he staring at me so intently?
“Come in.” He stepped past me, the door creaking after him before he turned back and held out his hand.
The hand—pale, long, and obnoxiously big—hovered in the air, waiting for mine.
I was putting my life in their palms, without reserve, and I would make sure I did a good job, whatever it was they asked of me, while I sought a way to escape safely . . . if at all.
His hand was slightly hot when I gripped it and stepped into the dark house.
“I wasn’t sure if you slept during the day.” Lie. The Pale One always passed out on top of me and even though we were deep inside a cave, I connected the dots.
“We do.” He didn’t try to lie to me.
“But you were just outside.” I blinked to aid my eyes in getting used to the lack of lighting.
“Direct sunlight will incinerate us,ifwe manage to stay awake.” His arm hooked over my shoulders, and I tensed up. This vampire either had no sense of personal space, or he didn’t give a shit. I bet it was a mix of both.
As long as he kept his fangs away from me, then I would be fine. Fangs had proven to be a weakness and I couldn’t let my mind be muddled from the truth of what monsters vampires were. Last night in the bathtub had proven how much my mental state had been compromised. I refused to think of the lapse in judgement, and I’d stopped with a mix of disgust and lust before I got off.
Asher grinned and my gaze dropped to the pointy canines. His smile widened, and I looked into his sparkling eyes.
“What brings you back, Pet?” His dark blond eyebrow winged up. “Miss me already?”
I elbowed him lightly, trying to get him to release me, but it was like ramming into marble. Wincing, I rubbed the tender spot.
“What did you all mean about me helping?”
Both his eyebrows lifted high, and a piece of hair flopping near his eye flirted with it.
“Asher. Don’t tell me you’ve brought another woman to the manor at a time like this.” A curt English accent called out. I could practically hear the sneer in Tobias’s tone. His voice became closer as I craned my neck toward where it echoed from. From here, I could see straight up the long staircase to the platform of the second floor.
“What makes you think I’ve brought a woman?” Asher shouted back, a smirk gracing his lips.