Page 29 of Deadly Cravings
Pushing out my cheek with my tongue, I snapped out of my thoughts involving his body on mine and pulled the dress over my head. I sputtered when the rough fabric scraped my lip.Grr. Damn thing.
I ran my hands down the scrunched side of the dress. The back gaped and my breasts pushed over the lip of the dress.
I reached behind me and attempted to pull the buttons together... but it wouldn’t. I bit my lip and my boobs popped out farther with each breath.God dammit!
Who the hell did this belong to anyway, a damn toy?
I curled my toes. What to do? Okay, if I got it off and refused to put it on, he’d probably wonder why I was being difficult all of the sudden. But who cared...
Too late. Asher turned and met my gaze.
“Er, it doesn’t fit.” My face blistered with heat.
Asher was clocked in on my bra-covered breasts pressed together even more because of the tight fit. “Hm, what was that?” He blinked quickly and I crossed my forearms over my chest.
I gripped the top of the dress, jerking it up with little wiggles. His eyes flared and he was suddenly before me. I gasped, taking a step back, but his hand at my spine caged me.
“You delectable human.” His nose grazed across the column of my neck. “Du är en oöverträffad frestelse.”
“Asher?” I breathed and it sounded too close to a moan. I wasn’t sure if I was begging him to bite me or not. I didn’t have to wonder for long. His fangs speared my throat, and both of his arms lashed around me, holding me tightly to his chest. Moaning, I clawed my fingers into his sides, sinking them into the hard muscle. Pleasure zapped to my clit, flaring lust to a boiling point. Asher sucked my blood with a long, hard tug, his fingers spasming in my back. After another tingling drag, he shuddered, his grip nearing painful. He lashed his tongue across the punctures.
My arms fell back, limp as noodles. He loomed over me until my spine curved in his palm and all I could see was his chiseled features hovering over my face, overpowering my senses. My breasts moved up and down with quick pumps from my breathing. His blood-stained smile sent shivers down my spine—but not in a fearful way.
I was sick.
He grazed his nose down my neck until he hovered over the swell of my breast. I held my breath. Asher’s pupils dilated and he closed his eyes, breathing in an audible gust of air. In a burst of motion, he struck his elongated teeth into me. My skin easily submitted to the sharp incisors. They cut in like a knife to butter. The initial sting faded with the swell of ecstasy. I whimpered, my toes curled, and my head fell back. The tips of his shoulder length hair caressed my skin.
“Asher,” a bellow sounded from far off. I jerked against him, and he lifted his head, spitting curses in his language. His tongue smoothed over the leaking puncture wounds in my chest, the same way he’d done to my neck. I fascinatedly watched them heal.
He clicked his tongue in his mouth with irritation marring his face.
“I will return,” he responded tightly, reluctantly releasing me, and turned on his heels. The front of his slacks tented with his more-than-generous-sized dick.
He exited the living room and I watched him with my head tilted and a stupid smile on my lips. I needed to snap out of it. Straightening, I smoothed my palms on the skirt and shook my head. Honestly, I was glad the ugly thing didn’t fit. I reached for the back of the zipper to loosen the small bit I’d managed to get up so I could get it off the rest of the way. In the middle of a full body wiggle, a hiss floated to my ears.
Rounding toward the noise, I wilted at the rage-filled expression on Jax’s face. He stormed in my direction, his face molted red. I stumbled back a step and then straightened my spine. Jax leaned near my ear. The hair on my neck lifted and I hugged myself. He could lash out at me at any moment and end me easily. I tipped my chin and angled my head to the side.
“If you’re going to bite me, hurry up.” It was pure bravado since I trembled, but I was sick of fearing.
He stilled over me, his lips grazing my neck as his hand harshly grabbed my arm. There was nothing gentle about his grip, but it served to enflame my achiness. I licked my lips, squeezing my thighs together to assuage the need, and the tulle rustled with my movement.
At the brush of his nose, I sucked in a breath, withholding a moan.
“You’re perilously close to becoming a blood-whore.” The hissed words felt like a physical blow. He suddenly shoved me away from him and my legs tangled with fabric as I fell to the ground in a pile. Choking on my breath, my chest stung. I met his eyes with mine, my lip wobbling. I wish he couldn’t see how deeply he’d gotten to me. The evil prick likely felt good about it too.
I scooted back and reached my trembling hand into the pocket of my skirt hanging off the couch. Was that what was happening to me? He stated ‘blood-whore’ like it was a title. Breathing in from the lip of my inhaler, I looked up as soon as the pressure loosened.Why hadn’t he left yet?
His nostrils flared as he looked me in the eyes.
“I deposited the money into your account.” With those ominous words, he turned on his heels as Asher entered.
“H-how did you get my account information?” I rasped, but he ignored me.
“Jax, have you come to join us in preparing our little human?”
“Don’t put her in those clothes again.” Jax paused at the threshold. “They don’t belong on her.”
Asher’s jaw tightened and he shook his head at his brother’s retreating back. The rage-filled way Jax spat the words out held more fury than he’d ever directed at me, and I didn’t think he could hate me more than he already did.