Page 52 of Deadly Cravings
She lay still, with her legs slightly parted and her nudity before me like a forbidden temptation. I tensed, and my member perked up. I should have averted my eyes. There was something so racy about her bare, hairless privates. Although I’d neverpartaken in indecent behavior, I’d seen enough nude women to know that shaving their privates was a recent development.
I reached to yank the blanket over her, but her sweet bloody scent teased my senses, and I froze. Stretched over her, I had a clear view of her inner thigh.
The marks continued leaking blood from where the ingrate had bitten her. Rage and hunger stiffened my spine. I gritted my teeth. Matt would die by my hand. I didn’t know when or how, but I would manage to end his pissant existence.
The wound’s edges were torn and ragged, painful looking. In need of healing. Setting my jaw, I couldn’t force my gaze away. My fangs erupted out.
No one would see . . . I would heal her, only heal her. I dropped to my knees and with her next breath, my mouth hovered over her bloody leg. The scent of her sweet blood overpowering all sense.
I laved the skin. A shiver coasted down my spine, my cock becoming turgid. Stretching my mouth over the injuries, I cleaned her skin. I’d have to reopen them, so they didn’t scar, and I did just that. Her skin gave way to the sharp points of my fangs and her blood burst into my mouth. My moan echoed hers and I dragged in a mouthful of her blood.
She gasped, her chest jerking, causing her luscious breasts to bounce. They were pert and perfect for my hands. Warmth spilled down my throat, rushing through my veins. My cock throbbed and my hips gyrated into the mattress.
Her legs parted. Her smooth womanhood on display, wet, needy, and swollen. Catalina tugged at my comforter, jerking as sweet little moans escaped her mouth. I sucked again, taking more. So much had already been taken from her and if I continued, it would not bode well for my little human.
And I could not have that. I forced myself to still, savoring her taste one last time as I wrestled for control. Running mytongue over my bite, I made sure to coat them with my saliva, so they healed properly.
She whimpered, writhing so deliciously, moving her hips, seeking relief. I pressed gentle kisses up her thigh until I reached her core. Her scent was just as sweet here. My eyes shut, my grip on the bed tearing the sheet. Swaying forward, I lapped the wet offering before me. Her legs immediately widened, her hips jolting up.
As much of a sin as this was, I could not stop myself.
I flattened my tongue against the damp silky folds, sliding my tongue through them to collect everything she offered. All I craved was devouring as much of her sweet nectar as she could give me.
I sank my tongue shallowly inside her entrance, and she convulsed, crying out as her lush channel throbbed around my tongue.
All the while, she remained blissfully unconscious.
I gladly sunk into the pits of immorality, brought to my knees by a human that managed to disarm me.
Her desperate hip movements halted and she sighed, satisfied.
Lifting from where I kneeled, I brushed her long hair out of her face. She turned toward me like a flower turning toward the sun. Her fingers sank into my arm, clutching onto me. I hesitated from pulling away. I did not want to leave her side, so I lowered beside her carefully. Her smaller form rolled toward me where the bed dipped.
She released a satisfied sigh, nuzzling into my neck. I squeezed her as close as possible, taking care with her feeble human bones. Silence and peace . . . as close to heaven as I could get.
My eyes flutteredopen as hair tickled my chin. I moved and soreness radiated down my arm, forcing me to freeze against the foreign black silk rubbing against my exposed skin. I wore absolutely nothing. My heart jumped into overdrive as memories flickered behind my eyelids. A familiar sweetness that accompanied the Crimson manor overpowered my senses. A scent that always clung to the vampires. I stared up at the ceiling illuminated by a low golden light shining from somewhere in the room.
Asher dragged his nose over the throbbing pulse in my neck.
“I have you,” he murmured into my throat. His arms were snaked around my waist, holding me tight to his torso. I slid my hands to his shoulders, glad I hadn’t woken up alone. “You smell better than anything I’ve ever encountered, Pet.” His tongue lashed the crease where my neck and shoulder met before grazing his teeth over my thin flesh. I was addicted to this sensation. The licks, his breath on my neck... all of it. I wanted him all over me.
“When did you return?”
“A few minutes ago. I came directly to you.”
I lifted my head, seeking Tobias. He’d been the last face I’d seen before I passed out.
“He’s not here,” Asher said.
I returned my attention to him. “You’ve been all wrapped around him,” he trailed off, irritation coating his words. He cleared his throat. My face heated. I was especially sensitive and Tobias experienced the backlash. I’d have to apologize later to make sure I hadn’t made him uncomfortable.
“If I didn’t know your motto of ‘no commitments’ I’d say you sound jealous,” I said wryly. “Don’t worry, Asher, I’m not expecting anything from you.” That wasn’t the only reason there could be nothing between us. Another was the obvious him-being-a-vampire thing.
Asher frowned and his pupils dilated, the irises flashing red and just as quickly returning to their normal blue. “You best not think of fucking anyone but me.”