Page 10 of Mourning Wings

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Page 10 of Mourning Wings

Shefinally turns away and steps into the bathroom.

Ihad the decency to not put cameras in there, despite every ounce of me craving to see her shower.

Thethought of invading her privacy in that way is a thin lineI’mclose to crossing as my mind is filled with images of her under the water.

Iimagine the drops glistening down her skin, the way they would trace every curve and contour of her body.

Thedesire is overwhelming, a fierce pullIstruggle to resist.

Iwant to witness the water sliding down her back, her wet hair clinging to her neck.

Ican almost taste it, the urge to lick each one off her skin strong, to savor the sensation of being close to her.

Shakingmy head to get rid of the tempting thoughts,Iturn away from the monitors and rub my temples.Ineed to get a grip.

Ithink back to the nightIsaw her at theHalloweenparty.

AfterwatchingValeriaand her friend disappear,Iturned on my heels and walked deeper into the forest, dead leaves crunching under my boots.

Ishivered as the chill penetrated me.

Iknew my way around those woods, sinceI’dbeen keeping an eye on theWhitmores.OnceIcaught onto what they’d been up to,Ilearned the ins and outs of the property.

WhenIreached my bike,Iopened the compartment and pulled out my leather jacket, zipping it all the way up.Outof habit,Ireached for my butterfly pendant, wanting to make sure it didn’t get caught in the zipper, but it wasn’t there.

Right.Ihad slipped it insideValeria’spocket whenIfound her in the basement.

Mynewest affliction.

Ispent hours digging into her background.Tomy surprise,Ididn’t find much.Shewas an orphan who had spent most of her life atGloomwoodSanctuaryuntil she was of legal age.Then, she went toAshburyCollegeto studyForensicPsychologywhile bunking with her best friend,Isabel, who was also an orphan.Now, she lives on theEastSidein her own apartment, working as a forensic associate with theEbonridgePoliceDepartment.

ButifIwas sure of anything that night, it was that she wasn’t going home.She’dbe sleeping at her friend’s house, as she usually did.

IfIdidn’t know any better,I’dthink they were a couple, but watching them confirmed the opposite.They’remore like sisters.

Ihopped onto my bike, bracing each arm on the handles, and lowered my head between my arms.Ilet a deep breath out.Shefucking caught me.

Ican’t believeIlet that happen.

Somethingabout the way she moved, the soft patter of her steps against the cold floor, drew me in.

Herscent hit me first—black coffee and vanilla.Itfilled the air, wrapping around me, pulling me in.IknewIshould have kept my distance, but my curiosity got the better of me.

Stepby step,Iinched closer, my senses overridden by the need to know more, to see more.

Suddenly, she moved, too quick for me to react.Ifroze, caught in the act, my heart pounding in my chest.Valeria’seyes met mine, andIknew there was no escape, no plausible explanation for whyIwas there, lurking in the shadows.

Shedidn’t say a word, her mouth forming a perfect circle.Hercheeks were flushed when she looked up at me, our height difference obvious.

Thetension was palpable, like a static charge in the air between us.Itwas as if our unspoken thoughts hung in the air around us, creating a moment neither of us knew how to break.

Isnap back to reality.Itwas so sloppy of me to have followedValeriadown there, butIcouldn’t help it.WhatwasIthinking?Thisisn’t like me.I’musually so meticulous, so cautious, but she clouded my judgment.

Beforeshe’d ventured down into the basement, she looked like a lost deer, standing in the corner alone.Icould feel the distress from across the room.Itwas palpable.

Lonelyin a room full of people.

Icouldn’t stop myself from trailing closely behind as she made her way down the stairs.Itried, but failed, to keep a safe distance behind her.Iknew what she’d find down there.

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