Page 24 of Mourning Wings

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Page 24 of Mourning Wings

Theelevator shudders to a stop, the doors creaking open with a metallic whine that echoes down the hallway ahead.Thecorridor stretches out in front of us, lined with old wooden doors, each one closed.

“Ifwe’re going to do this together,Ishould at least know your name,”Valeriasays from behind me asIstep out.

Turningback to look at her,Ianswer, “Youcan call meRonnie.”

“Ronnie,” she repeats.Hearingher speak my name in her sweet voice makes me want to hear her moaning it in my ear.Stat.

“It’sshort forVerónica,”Iadd.

Shenods as if absorbing the information. “I’venever seen you around.Imean…before theHalloweenparty.Thatwas you, right?”

“Yes,”Isay with a deep breath. “Youshouldn’t have been there.”

Valeriascoffs. “Whynot?Youwere there too.”

“Notin the same capacity,”Iretort.

Sherolls her eyes. “Wewere both there for a reason,”Valeriasneers. “ButI’mactually interested in knowing why you were in the basement then proceeded to watch me andIsabelfrom the tree line like a stalker,” she continues, meeting my gaze head-on.

I’mwalking down the hallway backward now. “Astalker, huh?”Isay, eyes narrowed asIabruptly halt my steps, causing her to stop right in front of me.Mylip grazes her ear asIlean forward. “Isthat what you really think, princesa?

Ignoringmy question, she backs away and lets out a growl of frustration. “Justanswer the question.”

Mylip curls upward. “Andwhat ifIwas?Wouldyou be scared now?”Iwhisper in her ear, getting close again.Valeria’sarms erupt in goosebumps as my breath touches her skin, but she doesn’t falter and keeps up her tough façade.

“Youdo look really pretty in the mornings, though,”Itease.

Valeria’sexpression shifts as she processes my words slowly, connecting the dots with a sudden realization.Thecolor drains from her face. “Whatthe fuck?” she whisper-yells. “You’vebeen watching me?”Valeria’svoice is sharp as she takes a step back, her fists clenched at her sides.

Ihold her gaze steadily, my expression neutral. “Ihad to keep an eye on you—for research purposes.”

Valeriashakes her head incredulously. “Watchingme without my knowledge isillegal!”Hervoice rises a tad.

Iremain composed, unmoved by her accusations. “Isee it differently,”Irespond calmly, my confidence unwavering. “Ihad my reasons.”

Valeria’sfists loosen slightly, her anger giving way to a sense of incredulity. “Youdon’t see how wrong that is?” she asks, her voice edged with disbelief.

Ishrug nonchalantly, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of my lips. “Maybenot from whereIstand,”Iadmit unapologetically. “ButIunderstand if you don’t feel the same.”

Valeria’sjaw clenches as her hand reaches back.Inone, swift movement, she grabs the kubotan stick from her waistband and charges at me.

Shelunges forward asIgrab my knife from its holder, and she strikes at me with precision.Goddamn.She’sactually trying to hurt me.

Witha sudden twist,Imanage to deflectValeria’sstrike, seizing her by the throat and slamming her against the wall.Herbreath comes out as a wheeze asIpress the knife to her throat, teasing the chain around her neck with the blade. “Minhaborboleta linda.Itold you not to try me.”

Breathingheavily, our faces mere inches apart, we lock eyes.Valeriastruggles against my grip, butI’mnot letting her go.Ilove seeing her at my mercy.

Sensingan opportunity,Iwrench the kubotan stick from her grasp.

BeforeValeriacan react,Ispin her around, pushing her over the hallway table forcefully.Thetrinkets sitting on top clatter to the ground, andIdon’t even care that someone might hear us.Idare them to come.

Aloud gasp escapesValeria’slips as the front of her body thuds on the wooden top.Liftingher skirt,Itear her underwear away in a single, forceful motion.

Hersweet smell invades the air, andIclose my eyes momentarily.

“Fuck, princesa.You’regoing to be the reason for a hundred deaths onceIget a taste of you,”Igroan, not able to resist any longer.

Grabbingher wrists,Isecure them behind her back, tying them with a piece of ropeIhad in my pocket.Then,Isink my fingers into her luscious blonde hair and jerk her head back with enough force to pull her lips apart soIcan stuff the torn fabric of her thong in her mouth.

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