Page 35 of Mourning Wings
Hearingme pleasure myself drives her wild, and her hips move faster, grinding her center over my mouth, her moans growing louder, more desperate.She’sso close, teetering right on the edge.
“Ah!Fuck,Valeria,I’mcoming,” she gasps, her body trembling as she finally lets go.Herlegs shake, struggling to keep her steady as she falls apart, screaming my name.
OnceRonniecatches her breath, she leans down and kisses me fiercely.Thetaste of her still lingers on my lips, mingling with the sweetness of her tongue, making me crave more.
Herhands grip my shoulders as she suddenly flips me over, positioning me on top of her, straddling her hips. “Grabmy belt,” she commands.Confusedbut eager to please,Ipick it off the floor and hand it to her.
“Comecloser.”Ilower myself toward her, and she loops the strap around my neck, pulling it snug.Mybreath hitches, a tightness forming in my throat asIstruggle for air.Ronnieholds the belt like a leash, a wicked smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.
“Rideme, princesa,” she orders, her voice dark with desire. “Putyour soaking cunt on mine and make me come again.”Shegrabs my still-wet fingers, pulling them into her mouth, slowly sucking and licking them clean. “Useme to get off.Showme what a good little slut you are.”
Herwords send a wave of heat crashing through me.Idon’t thinkIcould be any more turned on.
Ilower myself between her legs, positioning my hips so my center rests perfectly against hers.Grippingher knee forleverage,Ibegin rolling my hips, the friction coaxing a deep moan from my throat asIgrind down, her clit rubbing against mine in a delicious rhythm.
Iclose my eyes, letting the sensation wash over me, untilIfeel the sharp tug of leather around my neck.Ittightens, choking me, cutting off my air. “Eyesopen, butterfly,”Ronniesays, her voice commanding. “Iwant to see them roll back when you come for me, asIsteal all the air you breathe.”
Ilock eyes with her asImove, desperate to find my release.Ourwetness mixes, slick and hot, andIcan hear her inhales coming in ragged gasps, spot her chest rising and falling rapidly beneath me.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,”Iwhimper, the orgasm rising, creeping closer with every grind of our bodies.
Ronniewraps the belt tighter, the pressure increasing around my throat, making it harder to breathe.Myvision blurs and my chest heaves, but the lack of air only sharpens the pleasure.I’mdizzy, on the verge of passing out, and whenIcome, harder thanIthinkIever have, my body threatens to give out.
“Yes, princesa.Justlike that.”
Iride out the last of my orgasm untilRonnietenses beneath me, her climax overtaking her.
Ibend down to kiss her, and she pulls back just enough to look into my eyes.
Shebrushes a strand of hair from my face, her fingers tracing the curve of my jaw.Herbreath is warm against my skin, and for a second, the world feels impossibly still.
“Youdid so fucking well, butterfly.”
Mycheeks feel hot at her praise, andIsmile shyly. “Thankyou.”
“Doyou feel it?”Ronniesays. “It’slike the stars waited for us—like every scar, every broken piece, was leading us to this point.”
Iblink, the intensity of her words sinking deep into my chest.Myheart pounds as she goes on, her fingers moving to trace the tattoo on my rib, the one that sparked this entire moment.
“Morstua, vita mea,” she murmurs, her eyes burning into mine. “Yourdeath, my life.Butit was never about death, was it?Itwas always life.Yougave me life,Valeria.Evenwhen they tried to take it from me,Iheld on because somewhere, deep down,Iknew you were out there, waiting for me.”
Tearsprick at my eyes, butIcan’t look away from her.She’severything—my past, my present, my future—all in one.Andshe’s right; we’ve been waiting for this, maybe even longer than we realized.
“AndI’mnot lost anymore.I’mnot broken.Wefound each other, and nothing—nothing—can tear us apart again.”
I’mstill coming down from my high, my breath steadying asIwatchValeriacatch hers.Herbody, still glowing, lies beside me, and for a moment, everything feels right.Finally.
Iglance down at the mess we’ve made, and a smile tugs at the corner of my lips.Butthen,Inotice the blood, our clothes still damp and stained from earlier.Ishould clean her up.
Iremove the belt from around her neck, rubbing at her red skin to soothe the soreness.
WhenI’msatisfied,Iget up slowly, legs wobbly, and move to the small drawer near the bed, rifling through it, trying to find anything useful.Myfingers brush against some old rags.Perfect.Igrab one and head to the adjoining bathroom.
Thewater runs cold asIwet the cloth, squeezing out just enough water before heading back to her.She’sstill lying there, her eyes closed, butIcan tell she’s not asleep. “Hey,”Iwhisper, kneeling beside her. “Deixa-me tomar conta de ti.”Letme take care of you.