Page 28 of Fall
Maybe he was tired of her. Maybe he wanted to move on to Sorel.
If he did, there was nothing she could do about it.
The truth hit her so hard she could barely control herself. She had toturn away, stumble toward the cave, so she wouldn’t break down in front ofeveryone.
It didn’t matter. It didn’tmatter. If Rone didn’t want heranymore, then that was just fine. He would still be obliged to take care ofher. She just wouldn’t have to put up with his obnoxious peering andpossessiveness anymore.
She hadn’t even made it to the cave when she heard a voice behind her,but—to her disappointment—it wasn’t Rone.
It was Desh.
“Damn it, Lenna,” he muttered, “you’ve got to go back there right now.”
“What are you talking about? Rone was the one getting felt up by anotherwoman.”
“Girls do that all the time.” Desh looked unexpectedly urgent, far moreurgent than she’d seen him before. He was breathless. He must have run to catchup to her. “That’s what they do. But he’syourmate, and if you don’tact like you want him, then he’s going to assume you don’t care.”
“What are you talking about?”
“He’syours, and someone else is trying to take him. You’re okaywith that?”
“No, I’m not okay with it.” Her voice was hoarse, and she had to swipeaway a stray tear, but she hadn’t lost control. “But he’s capable ofcontrolling himself, you know.”
“He hasn’t done anything. He’s done nothing but sit there and wait foryou to come back. But right now he thinks you don’t want him. That’s what youtold him by walking away.”
“I don’t—“ She broke off, suddenly understanding that she’d completelymisinterpreted everything. She’d been assuming these people acted like thepeople she was used to.
And they didn’t.
She knew they didn’t.
“You just told him—in front of the entire tribe—that you don’t want him.”
“I do want him,” she breathed.
“So go show him that.” Desh seemed to be hiding a smile now, but Lennawas too distracted to really notice.
She took a shaky breath, turned back around, and hurried toward thebonfire.
Everyone was still in roughly the same position. Sorel was still pettingat Rone’s hair, but he was hunched over, frowning down at the ground, ratherthan looking at her, and he briefly swatted away her hand, like she waspestering him but he wasn’t sure what to do about it.
Lenna knew what to do.
She marched back into the circle of the tribe, and they all fell silentas she approached. Without pausing, she pushed Sorel away from Rone and sheslapped the hands that had been touching him.
Not gently.
“No,” Lenna said sharply, glaring coldly at Sorel. “Rone Lenna mate. NoSorel.No Sorel.”
A low murmur rippled out from the others in response to this, and Ronestraightened up, his face transforming to something like awe as he gazed up ather.
Sorel made a face, and she glanced briefly down at Rone, as if to gaugehis level of interest in her.
Rone didn’t appear to be aware that Sorel existed in the world. He wassmiling up at Lenna and reaching to pull her down beside him.
Lenna was pleased and proud and relieved—and a little bit embarrassed bythe whole episode. But she couldn’t regret anything when she saw that look inRone’s eyes.
She’d been stupid to doubt him. He obviously didn’t want anyone for amate but her.