Page 40 of Fall
“No,” she choked, realizing what had almost happened. “No. Rone save.Glad.Glad.” She reached down for his shoulders, and he pulled her intoa hug with a groan that was obviously intense relief.
She sobbed some more, and then suddenly it was too much. She jerked awayfrom Rone suddenly and turned behind her to vomit painfully onto the grass.
Rone was making distressed noises as he stroked her hair and back. “Lennahurt. Lenna hurt.”
“Lenna no hurt bad,” she finally managed to say. “Cave?”
Rone nodded and stood up, reaching down to swing her back into his arms.
He carried her to the cave and then to his bed. The rest of the tribegathered round, obviously worried about her. In her half-stupor, she was stillglad to see that Desh was on his feet, having been stabbed in the shoulder butnot serious enough to be life-threatening. Rone took water and herbs to batheher injuries, and he took off her clothes to wrap her in blankets from his bed.
He told the others that he’d caught up to the Hosh in no-man’s land andmanaged to rescue her, but Lenna knew the truth.
He’d gone into another tribe’s territory.
He’d risked not just his own safety. He’d risk war.
For her.
To rescueher.
Because he cared about her that much.
The rest of the tribe went outside to make a fire and prepare dinner.Lenna couldn’t eat anything, and Rone wouldn’t leave her.
Eventually, he climbed into bed with her, pulling her against him.
When he started to rub his face against her, Lenna managed to say, “Nofuck. No fuck.”
“Rone no fuck,” Rone murmured, still nuzzling her gently. “Lenna sick. Nofuck.”
She realized he hadn’t been trying to initiate sex. He was just coveringher with his scent. He was just taking care of her.
“Lenna home,” Rone said, over and over again as he held her in his arms.“Lenna home.”
She’d been independent all her life. She’d never had to rely on anyoneelse.
She did now.
But at least she could trust that Rone would always be there for her.
She fell asleep in his arms, safe in that knowledge.
Four dayslater, Lenna’s ribs were still sore and her face was still bruised—but she wasfeeling content, almost happy, in a way she hadn’t been since she’d arrived onthe planet.
It felt like something restless had finally been settled inside her. Shewasn’t sure exactly what it was, but it had happened when Rone had rescued herfrom the Hosh. After that, her whole world—even this harsh, primitive one—feltbetter.
At the moment, she was grooming Rone, carefully shaving his jaw. Healways sat completely still on the rock near the river they always used, andhis dark eyes never left her face as she focused on her task.
When she winced very slightly as she leaned over to reach near his farear, he murmured, “Lenna hurt?”
“Small hurt,” she told him, smiling at his concern. “Lenna good.”
“Groom tomorrow?”
“No. Groom now. Small hurt.” She finished with the razor edge, wiping thecut bristles away with her thumb