Page 51 of Fall
“Rone search Lenna. Day and day and dayand day. Thought Lenna stolen.” His face twisted in obvious emotion. “ThoughtLenna dead.”
Her throat ached at the knowledge thathe’d been out looking for her every day since she’d left, that he hadn’t givenup, even with no sign or clue about what had happened to her. “Lenna sorry. Lennano stolen. Lenna no dead.”
He was scanning her clothes, which werebasic trousers and a top but far different from the animal skin clothes he wasused to. His expression changed, sobered slightly, as if he’d had a newthought. “Where Lenna?”
She swallowed hard. “Lenna leave. Lennacome back.”
He glanced up at the sky, which was adeeper shade of blue as the sun was getting lower. “Stars?”
“Yes. Stars.”
He met her eyes soberly. “Lenna leaveRone?”
She shook her head, making a sobbing soundand reaching out for him. “Lenna no leave Rone. Never. Rone Lenna mate.”
This was evidently the right thing to saybecause Rone made another guttural sound and wrapped his arms around her. Herubbed at her face with his in a familiar way, making her smell like him again,making her his. He murmured as he did so, “Rone Lenna mate. Lenna no leaveRone. No leave Rone.”
She wasn’t going to leave him. Ever again.She was so happy she was almost crying with it—a fact that was slightlydisturbing, since she’d never been that kind of a woman.
Eventually, he pushed her back onto thegrass and they lay together in an embrace, nuzzling and murmuring out hoarsereassurances.
She wasn’t sure how long they lay there,but the sky was even darker when Rone started to nuzzle lower on her body.
She let him. She wanted him to. She wantedhim to touch her everywhere. She wanted to smell like him. She wanted to be hiscompletely.
It wasn’t a cold evening, but it was toocool to get naked, but Rone managed to work around that, sliding his hands upbeneath her top to stroke her breasts and play with her nipple. Soon, she wasreally turned on, and they managed to get enough of their clothes off so hecould slide his hard cock inside her.
He lay over her in missionary position,and she wrapped her legs around him, and they rocked together, gasping andshaking until both of them came to quick, urgent climaxes.
“Lenna Rone mate,” he gasped against herskin, his body softening with his release.
She held on to him tightly. “Rone Lennamate.”
“Lenna home. Lenna home.” He raised hishead to stare down at her face, as if waiting for her to respond.
She nodded, stroking his head. “Lennahome.”
His eyebrows pulled together, and he shookhis head. “Lennahome.”
She thought she understood his words, butshe couldn’t figure out what he meant. She nodded and repeated again, “Lennahome.”
He made a frustrated sound and proppedhimself up on his forearms. “Rone home Lenna,” he said slowly, carefullypronouncing each word. “Rone home Lenna.”
She stared up at him in confusion. Directand indirect objects were always slippery in the language, determined by usageshe wasn’t always familiar with. So it was often difficult for her tounderstand some sentences, even if the words themselves she knew.
He grunted again impatiently and lifted ahand to his chest. “Rone… home…. Lenna.” On the last word, he moved his handfrom his own chest to hers.
She gasped audibly, suddenly realizingsomething she’d never known before.
Shuddering with emotion, she grabbed hishand and held it to her heart. “Lenna home Rone.”
His face broke out into a smile that wasbreathtaking in its absolute purity. “Lenna home.”
“Rone home,” she said, her face twistingas she fought another wave of emotion. “Rone home.”
With a groan, he pulled her into a tight,desperate hug.
She’d been wrong before. There was a wordin their language for love after all.