Page 101 of Escorted
“I’m not goingto give you details,” Lori said, meeting her cousin’s eyes without flinching.After so long of this sort of thing, she wasn’t even self-conscious anymore.“So don’t even try to fish for our plans.”
Sabrinagrumbled under her breath as she closed her purse.
* * *
Lori and Ander were leaving therestaurant after having said goodbye to Sabrina and her date when a womanwaiting for a table called out Ander’s name.
Ander’s faceshowed no reaction as the woman—mid-thirties with dark hair and an entitledexpression—came hurrying over on very high heels. Hhis hand was on Lori’s back,however, and they were walking quite close.
She felt when Anderstiffened.
“Ander,” thewoman said with a wide grin. “How have you been? It’s been ages!”
“I’m fine,Becka,” Ander said politely. Then he smiled at the woman.
Lori sucked inher breath.
She knew thatsmile. Hadn’t seen it in almost two years. Urbane. Sensual. Infinitely practiced.It had been habitual for Ander when he’d been seeing clients.
Which meantthis woman had been one of Ander’s clients.
“You’re lookinggood,” Becka said, her eyes crawling over Ander’s body in a way that made Loriwanted to scratch her eyes out. “You’re a lot tanner than you used to be.”
He was. It hadbeen two months since he’d returned from his latest field project but he stillhadn’t lost all the tan. This evening, he was dressed in all black, and Lorithought he was the handsomest man she’d ever seen in her life.
“I spent partof the summer on a Greek island.”
To avoid beingseparated for two months over the summer while Ander was at yet another dig, Lorihad rented a villa on the island. Although he’d been busy during the days,they’d been able to spend most nights together. Lori had started a new novelset on the island, and Ander had blithely ignored all the teasing he receivedfrom his colleagues over his plush living arrangements.
“How decadent,”Becka said, flicking her eyes over to Lori with obvious curiosity. “I heard youwere retired.”
“I am.” Anderrepositioned his hand to the small of Lori’s back. “This is my girlfriend, Lori.”
“Nice to meetyou,” Becka said absently, her eyes returning to Ander, raking them over hisface and body like she still had a right to leer at him. “It’s too bad you’reretired. You were the best.”
Lori had beenstiff from the initial greeting, but now she grew so tense she was almostshaking. She had to fist her hands to keep from clobbering the woman to ridthat face of that presumptuous, objectifying expression. She was bombarded withimages of Ander fucking Becka until she came and came and came again.
Ander murmuredout a few parting words, and then he guided Lori out of the restaurant, usinghis hand on her back for both momentum and support.
“She was alwaysobnoxious,” Ander said as they exited the building and started down the busysidewalk.
His wordsdidn’t help Lori feel any better. She was now imagining how Ander must havefelt, required to sexually satisfy a woman as spoiled and obnoxious as Becka.
“You allright?” he murmured, his observant eyes scanning her face.
“Yeah.” Shegave him as wide a smile as she could manage. “Dinner was fun.”
“Do you feellike doing anything else tonight?”
“Sure,” shesaid, “If you want to.”
With one finallook of scrutiny, Ander concluded, “Let’s just go home.”
** *
Ander was blessedly quiet on thecab ride home. Lori did her best to rid her mind of the horrifying images. Anderwas her boyfriend now. They were fully committed, in love, and living together.He was well on his way to being an archeologist. If his words and the evidenceof his behavior was any indication, he was happier now than he’d ever been inhis life.
So was Lori.