Page 108 of Not Until Her
“My whole day just freed up.”
When I look over at her, her mouth is full of breakfast burrito. My stomach growls as I remember my own, and grab it from the bag.
She shakes her head, but finishes chewing before saying anything.
“Am I a bad influence on you?”
“Maybe. But I don’t care.”
I dig in to my own food, and then remember the coffee I left sitting. I feel like a mess as I bounce around in her kitchen, adding creamer and putting it back. Then I take a trial sip, hate it, and go back for the creamer.
Repeat three times.
Kara silently laughs at me as she continues eating, like she has the best entertainment for her meal.
I’m sitting on Kara’s lap, as we read a chapter together. I’m much slower than she is, so I feel bad for taking so long to turn the pages while she waits.
If only Autumn knew who was reading her book right now. Not only that, but enjoying it. She hasn’t made a single snarky comment since we started. I may have even caught a smile or two on that beautiful face of hers.
Footsteps on the stairs below throw me out of my head. I don’t know who the hell would be coming up here at this time of day on a random Tuesday? I’m not expecting anyone, and I don’t think Kara would approve of our PDA level if shewasexpecting anyone.
I quickly stand, and the book falls from my hands to the dusty ground.
Ouch, sorry book.
When I look up from bending down to grab it, I see Vic standing at the top of the stairs. She’s got Angeline in a front carrier on her chest, and she looks like those stairs were the workout of a lifetime.
“Who’s your friend?” she asks, catching her breath.
Our close proximity is still a little suspicious. Okay, a lot suspicious, because I’m standing right in front of her, the back of my leg touching her knee.
I take a single step away.
“This is my, um–” Bad time for my brain to freeze up, but it does just that.
“Neighbor,” Kara finishes.
She stands from her seat to approach Vic with an outstretched arm. They shake hands.
“Oh! That’s right,” she says like that’s the most normal thing. Then I watch as it hits her, and her expression switches to confusion. “I forgot someone new moved in. It’s nice to meet you.”
Vic’s a good friend, and a good actor apparently. She listened to me complaina lot. She is not a fan of the woman in front of her.
“You too.”
Kara doesn’t say more than that, considering her lack of interest in most socializing.
Vic awkwardly nods a couple times.
“Sit down, babe.” I motion to the seat I wasn’t occupying in the first place. “I know she’s heavy.”
“She fell asleep while I was walking up the stairs. She always falls asleep when I wish I could.” Vic sticks her bottom lip out in a pout, but she starts smoothing down the hair on Angeline’s head. Baby hair is the best. It’s so soft. I’m a little jealous.
“What a little angel,” I say. How appropriate, Angeline the angel.
“That’s the whole point,” Vic coos in a little voice that’s meant for the baby. The sleeping baby who can’t hear her.
Vic has the most adorable mom mode.