Page 65 of Not Until Her
“That’s one way to call me immature.”
“Not my preferred way. If that’s what I meant, I’d say it.”
I don’t know her well enough to take her at her word, but it sends a rush through me anyway.
It wasn’t even a compliment, Reya.
“I’d rather select the information I get in return. I have to think about it.”
She sinks down in her bed, looking exasperated.
“This wasn’t an open ended offer. Nothing else is on the table.”
“Aren’t you curious about anything else? I’m sure I’ve got some good, juicy details up my sleeve.”
“You’re pushing it,” she says. “I askedonequestion. I don’t even care enough to know the answer if you’re going to turn it into a thing.”
“You’re impossible,” I grumble. “It’s been a few years now.”
She side-eyes me.
“How old are you?” she asks.
“Twenty-seven! Ha! Now you owe me two details.”
I feel victorious. Not even over my gain, but over her curiosity. She asked without even thinking.
I like knowingMs. Mysteriousis curious about me.
“I got divorced almost two years ago. I’m twenty-nine.”
“When’s your birthday?”
“Get out,” she says.
“Oh, come on!”
She starts pulling the blankets out from under me, and it doesn’t force me off the bed like she’s hoping.
Instead I roll onto my back, pretending to look really comfortable. It’s not even pretending, her mattress is so much nicer than my own. Her pillows are filled with feathers, and they’re fluffier than anything I’ve rested my head on before. The sheets are made of something I couldn’t even name, and the black comforter that’s now bunched up in her arms is thickenough that I feel like I’m being cuddled by it. It might be weighted, I’ve always wanted one of those.
“It’s a shame you won’t let me pass out right here,” I say with a yawn. “I’m a great person to sleep with. I don’t make a sound.”
She doesn’t need to know about my tendency to flail my arms around, though. She’d probably deserve it if she got knocked upside the head.
“I do. Loads of sounds. Better save yourself.” Her voice is monotone, bored even.
I keep asking myself why I still even have this crush on her. The only thing she does for me is sexual, and it usually takes more to hook me in.
“I’ve dealt with worse.”
“Yeah? Ex was a bad snorer?” she asks.
“No, my neighbor’s just really annoying.”
“You’re annoying,” she snaps back. “Why are you still here? Go home!”
“Tell me your birthday and I’ll go.”