Page 87 of Not Until Her
“Reya,” she whispers.
“What?” I stand, something telling me to worry. The way she says my never has never sounded so vulnerable. Or scared.
I didn’t know Kara could feel those things.
She doesn’t respond, just continues staring at the cover. The closer I look, the more I think she’s not actually seeing it. She’s zoned out, her mind elsewhere.
“What? Are you good?”
She shakes her head so slightly, it’s almost unnoticeable.
“You’re scaring me. Can you speak, please?”
Her beautifully manicured hand holds up the book, the front cover facing my direction.
“Autumn Lane— Autumn Owens. That’s your best friend?” Her voice sounds weak and strained.
I nod, confused. What the hell does Autumn have to do with anything? How does she even know her, or know that she uses a pen name?
More questions keep flying around in my head.
“Yeah? So what?”
She shakes her head again.
“So what, Kara?” I snap.
I need to know what has that look on her face. I’m not patient enough for her to simply sit there and stare and not answer me. There’s a panicked, wild feeling flowing through my body, and I need her to calm it. She could easily do so, but she’s not. Wondering the reason while she stays silent makes it worse and worse by the second.
She slowly puts the book down without looking up at me. If I wasn’t freaking out, I’d tell her she’s losing points right now. But I’m between angry and concerned, I don’t know which one is more prevalent.
If she used herwords, I might have a clue.
I watch as her lips purse to let out a slow exhale, the kind that’s required when someone is stressed.
“Tell me why the hell that book is stressing you out, right now.”
When she shakes her head again, I’m ready to explode. It’s definitely anger that’s winning.
I snatch the book off of the little table and storm around her to go back inside my apartment. I could have a very nice, very relaxing afternoon on my own. I can read my book without anyone’s stubborn silence in my proximity.
Her hand reaches out to grab my wrist before I can get past her.
I pause. This is the part where she gives up and tells me, I think. It should be.
A few seconds pass. A few more.
Maybe not.
I go to pull, but then I hear her quietly speak.
“I really like you, Reya.”
That’s not what I thought she was getting at.
“Did this cover make you realize that?” I lift it up and really examine it for the first time. A cartoon cover with a blonde woman and a dark-haired man. They stare after each other, but they stand apart.