Page 17 of Make Your Move
“You had the biggest crush on him when we were younger. The universe is giving you an opportunity here.”
I sigh as I look at my best friend. “I’m perfectly content by myself, and I have Posey to worry about. Just because I had a crush on him back then doesn’t mean I feel the same way about him now.”
Riley just stares for a second. “So you’re telling me you feel nothing for that man?”
“Well—I don’t know. He’s good looking, and he’s always been nice to me. That doesn’t mean I have romantic feelings for him.” I narrow my eyes on her. “Can we just watch this movie now?”
Riley half snorts and half laughs. “Okay, fine. You can put it on, but that doesn’t mean I’m done bugging you about this.” She gets more comfortable on the couch and turns to face the TV above the mantle. She turns her head to look at me once more. “You should really find out if he’s single, though.”
“You’re impossible.” I laugh, shaking my head at her. “Do you want to know if he’s single for yourself?”
Riley gives me a look before she shakes her head. “No, girl. That man is all yours.”
“He is not.”
She clicks her tongue at me as she looks back at the TV. “We shall see…”
I direct my attention to the movie and try to immerse myself in it, but I can’t follow the story. My brain decides to go through all the times I’ve been around Lincoln since he has been here, looking for something that may indicate he has a girlfriend.
I can’t remember anything I’ve noticed, but that doesn’t mean anything. Even if he is single, that still changes nothing. He may have kissed me when we were young, but that didn’t mean he ever had feelings for me. Things are so different now—so much more complicated. Lincoln has his entire career and life ahead of him. I have a child and a life I built here.
As much as I wish we were written in the stars, we aren’t.
Lincoln will always be like the moon—so close, yet just out of my reach.
As I walk over to my car, the trunk pops open, and I lower my small bag into it. I glance around the parking lot, looking for Nash. I didn’t pay attention to where he went after we got off the plane, and he’s supposed to ride home with me. We just arrived back in Aston after being away for a week for our preseason games.
We’re home for the next two, away for one, and then we have our home opener. Our away games went as well as we could have imagined. We had a few kids with us from our farm team, and they didn’t play badly either. I’m sure there will be a few roster changes before the official start of the season, but things went well. The team played great together.
I have a feeling this season is going to be amazing.
Nash waves at me from where he’s standing by Ford’s car. “Yo, Linc. Follow us to The Salty Dog.”
I stare at him for a moment, feeling the exhaustion settling in my bones. “Are you guys not exhausted from traveling?”
“Nah,” Ford says, and Nash shakes his head. “Are you turning into an old man on us, Matthews? Soon you’re going to be just like old man Caleb.”
Caleb raises his middle finger at them before he climbs into his car. From what I’ve been told, it isn’t often that he comes out, since he has his daughter at home. On the rare occasion, he might come out for a drink or two, but those times are few and far between.
“I want to go home and shower and do nothing,” I tell them as I open the driver’s side door. “You go ahead. I’ll catch you guys next time.”
Nash says something I don’t catch, and Carson just nods and smiles before climbing into his car. I don’t know how they have the energy to keep going. I used to be more like that, but over the years, I’ve learned I need to listen to my body more. There have been times in the past when it’s really taken a toll on my body and mental state.
The guys leave to head to the bar, and I leave the parking lot, heading in the direction of Nash and Nova’s.
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to see her and Posey. I’ve grown used to seeing them every day for those two weeks, and it felt weird not seeing them or talking to them.
When I get home, it’s already after dinner and the sun has started to set. I pull up along the street in front of the house and pause outside of the front gate as I stare up at the house. All the lights are on, and I see Nova through the window. Her hands are on her hips, like she’s speaking sternly, but there’s a contradicting smile on her lips.
Goddamn, she’s fucking beautiful.
I give myself a second before I shove my feelings aside and head up to the house. The front door is already unlocked, and I let myself in. The aroma of something hearty drifts through the doorway, and there’s some kind of music playing softly in the background.
“Posey Mae. You know we do not put slime in our hair.”