Page 54 of Make Your Move
My mouth finds hers again, and I breathe her in, my lungs filling with stardust. She’s the only thing I want—the only thing I need—and I won’t stop until she knows how deep my feelings run for her.
She stole my heart that one night under the full moon, and I don’t want it back.
It’s always been hers to keep.
Riley walks in front of me, following after Posey who runs over to the massive aquarium, putting her hands against the glass as she watches the sea creatures swim past. We stop behind Posey, and I watch the amazement washing over her expression as a large sea turtle drifts by.
“Mommy, turtle!” she says with excitement, hopping up and down as she points at it. I would say turtles are Poe’s favorite animals, but that’s a lie. She’s an animal lover, through and through. She doesn’t have a favorite, as she loves them all equally.
“I see it, baby,” I tell her, smiling as she turns her attention back to the glass. This is the first time she’s been to the aquarium, and so far, it seems like a successful day trip.
“Poe, come look at this,” Riley calls to her, waving her over to where she moved farther away. She stands by a doorway, and as Posey and I walk over to her, we see it’s a tunnel that goes beneath the aquarium that you walk through to get to the next section.
Posey’s little eyes light up, and she goes gallivanting into the tunnel, looking at the glass above and the glass wallssurrounding her. New experiences with her are my favorite. I love watching the amazement transform her expression.
“I think everyone needs to be a little less uptight and a little more like Poe,” Riley muses out loud as we walk into the tunnel, following behind my daughter. “She’s the best,” she says as we watch Posey’s eyes grow while she sees a shark come swimming past.
“You’re lucky today is a good day,” I admit with a soft laugh. “Don’t get me wrong, I think she’s the best too. It’s easy to forget that when she starts throwing her temper tantrums.”
“The negatives always drown out the positives,” Riley informs me, matter-of-factly. “I think as a parent, that it’s normal to feel that way. Honestly, I’d be more alarmed if you didn’t feel that way or if she wasn’t throwing temper tantrums.”
I stare at my best friend for a moment, letting her words soak in as she walks over to Posey and scoops her up. “Are we ready to get lunch?” I ask them as I head in their direction. I pull the map out from my pocket, and my eyes scan the paper. “The café should be just around the next turn.”
Posey’s stomach growls as if on command, and Riley and I laugh. “I think that’s a yes.” Riley smiles, poking Posey in the belly, earning a giggle from her.
We walk through the aquarium, stopping when we get to the café that is surrounded by glass and sea life floating around. Posey looks around in amazement as we order our food at the counter and head over to a table along the clear surface. Riley grabs a highchair for Posey, and we get her situated before we both sit down to wait for our number to be called.
A woman who works at the café walks over with a small container of crayons and a coloring page for Posey. She eagerly picks a pink crayon and starts to scribble on the paper. Riley rests her elbows on the table and rests her chin on her hands as she stares at me for a moment.
“So, how are things?”
I raise an eyebrow at her, knowing exactly what she’s getting at. “Things have been…good.”
“Okay, we like this.” She nods, a smirk pulling on her lips as she takes a sip of her water. “What have been the most recent developments?”
My mind instantly drifts back to two nights ago when I accidentally slept in his bed. I was emotional after running into Dane, but Lincoln chased away the negative thoughts. He chased away the bad feelings and replaced them with good.
“He watched her for me a few days ago,” I tell her, motioning to Posey, but keeping my voice low so I don’t gain her attention. “The day care had to close for a day, and he offered to keep her.”
Riley’s eyes widen, and her grin stretches. “Man, he is just racking up the brownie points.” She lets out a soft laugh, shaking her head. “And that went well? He seems really good with her.”
“From what I’ve gathered, they had a great day together. He didn’t tell me he had practice, and he took her with him anyway.”
“Nova, stop,” Riley says as a dreamy look grows within her eyes. “This man is going to end up stealing all of our hearts.”
“I know,” I admit, my voice barely audible as my stomach does a somersault. “It’s bad, Ry.”
She tilts her head to the side, her eyebrows pulling together. “What is?”
Our number is called, and Riley quickly gets up and gathers our food from the counter before reappearing at the table. I get Posey settled with hers before pushing the lettuce around on my plate. “I don’t know what to do about him.”
“You’re speaking in riddles again, Nova. What are you talking about?”
I swallow roughly, my throat constricting at the thought of speaking the words out loud. She knows my entire history with Lincoln. She knows every detail about the crush I had on himwhen we were younger. What I haven’t been honest about are my ever-growing feelings for him now.