Page 60 of Make Your Move
“Lincoln log, wake up,” Carson half shouts as he grabs my shoulder, giving me a swift shake. “We need to head out.”
Groaning, I roll over on the couch, turning to face Ford as he stares down at me. “I’m sick, I can’t play tonight.”
“Bullshit,” he huffs, giving me a shove. He doesn’t buy my excuse, and I don’t blame him. “I told you. You made your bed, now you have to lie in it.”
I glare at him before rolling my eyes. My stomach has been in knots since last night. I tried to text Nash, and he told me to fuck off. I saw him at practice this morning, and he gave me the cold shoulder and avoided me. I’m not particularly looking forward to seeing him tonight.
And then there’s Nova.
We haven’t spoken since I ripped my heart out of my chest and laid my feelings out on the line. I spilled my damn guts to her, and the moment was interrupted by Nash. I’m not mad at him for it. If anything, I’m pissed off at myself. I should have said something to him before this all blew up in my face.
I should have told Nova how I felt about her a long fucking time ago.
“Time to face the music and make up with your bestie,” Carson tells me, attempting to pull me off the couch. “I’m not going to be late because of you.”
I push him away, giving him the middle finger as I finally sit up. “Fine, I’ll get up.”
Carson blows me a kiss before he walks over to collect the rest of his things. I slip into the bathroom and brush the sleep from my mouth with a spare toothbrush he gave me last night. He’s waiting for me by the front door, and we head out to our cars together.
It feels fucking weird as hell being out of my normal routine before a game. I push the uncomfortable feelings away, trying to ignore them. I can’t let that shit get into my head and throw me off. There’s already enough going on in there that’s fucking me up.
Most of the guys are already there when we get to the arena. I pull out my phone, giving in to the temptation as I go to text Nova. That’s when I realize there’s already a message from her that I didn’t see.
Nova: Can we talk tonight?
My stomach instantly sinks. She sent it this morning, and I don’t know why I’m seeing it just now. Either way, my anxiety is officially heightened, and this is not what I needed to see right before walking into the building.
Lincoln: Of course. Is everything okay?
I hit Send, but it doesn’t send. It tries and fails, telling me the message wasn’t delivered. My eyes flash to the top of my phone and realize I have no service. As if this day can’t get any better. I sigh, rolling my eyes and turn it off before placing it in the center console of my car. This is an issue for another time because if I don’t get inside, I’m going to be on our coach’s shit list.
The guys are already warming up off the ice when I finally make my way inside. I see Nash standing off to the side byhimself, and I hesitate. He can’t keep avoiding me. I need one fucking thing to go right, and I’m riding on a fucking prayer as I walk over to him.
“Nash, can we talk before we go on the ice?” I ask him, attempting to keep the desperation from my voice. “I don’t want us to play with any of this negative shit between us.”
Nash stares at me for a moment, assessing me with his bright blue eyes. “Come on,” he says, motioning for me to walk with him. He starts to move, abruptly coming to a halt by the wall that’s farthest away from everyone. With an expectant look on his face, he turns to look at me, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I’m sorry,” I start, the defeat laced within my words. “I should have said something to you sooner. I won’t apologize for lying. I know it was fucked up, but that wasn’t the right time for me to tell you. I was still ignoring my feelings for her and didn’t want to admit it out loud that something was going on.”
Nash doesn’t say anything for a moment. “You really should have told me,” he tells me, his voice low as he shakes his head in disappointment. “Finding out the way I did was pretty fucking shitty.”
Guilt floods me, and I know there’s nothing else I can really say. There’s nothing I can do at this point to change what has happened. All I can do is try to somehow make this better and repair the friendship between us. “I know, Nash. It was fucked up, and I’m sorry. If I could go back and change the way it happened, I would. Trust me, I would.”
“What I told you before still stands.”
I stare at him in confusion, not following what he’s saying. “About what?”
“Me making sure you never skate again.” He pauses, and it clicks inside my brain. He’s talking about the warning he gave me about what would happen if I hurt Nova. “I’ve seen how you are with her and with Posey. You’re good for both of them,Matthews. You make them happy, and that’s all that really matters to me.” He takes a breath, pursing his lips. “Don’t fuck it up.”
For a moment, I’m shocked. “You’re okay with this?”
“Do you love her?”
My heart thumps harder in my chest. “Yes.”