Page 22 of Royal Pain
“Hush. Don’t make me wash out your mouth with soap.” The guttural strain against his voice nearly masked the ridiculousness of what he’d just said.
He continued the spanking and I became lost in the wash of pain. Everything seemed surreal, as if I was floating overhead, watching the painful event. I think I would have enjoyed being set free from my body for a little while had Gage not broken the spell by caressing my bottom. One side then the other.
Who did that? Was that a normal part of being spanked, a tender loving moment before another blizzard of anguish? I remembered how horrified I’d been when Ashley and Rachel had dragged me to the club near our college. I’d known they existed of course. I’d heard they were becoming the rage, including with college kids, but I hadn’t truly known what to expect.
But the place, a name I couldn’t remember, had marked and become the epitome of what I thought all clubs of that nature were like.
Dark and foreboding.
In my mind and after seeing what I’d considered horrors being inflicted, I hadn’t entertained going to a club again. Ever.
He brought me out of the memory by bringing the belt down four more times.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” This time, the feeling of anguish had morphed into something excruciating. I never knew a spanking could feel so… wretched. I’d pressed my hands against the desk’s surface, not only pushing myself up until my back was severely arched but I’d almost managed to hump, bump, and roll off the desk.
“Stay in position. I know this is painful, but spankings used for discipline are meant to feel that way.” He was gentle, his voicedipping to a comforting level as he lightly pushed down on my back, encouraging me to keep my position.
All I could do was pant, tears forming in my eyes. I knew one thing. I never wanted to feel something like this again.
As I slowly lowered back down, pressing my face into the cool wood, I closed my eyes. He allowed me a few more seconds before returning to his godawful duties, doling out two or three more.
Another blast of agony was followed by the strangest set of sensations. No way. My throbbing pussy had become very wet. What woman was aroused by something so brutal? I had to be losing my mental faculties. But there was no mistaking my condition, the scent of my pussy juice wafting all the way to my nose.
Which meant he had a clear understanding of the state I was in. He’d likely think I’d been fibbing and that I was an experienced submissive, a masochist craving a pain fix. That much I knew. We’d studied various subcultures in college, including BDSM. The course itself had seemed odd at the time. Much like philosophy or certain math classes.
But I was grateful now I’d taken that one in particular, the professor particularly enlightening.
“You’re still doing very well. Don’t get off track, Evangeline. I’m certain you want this to be over with.” Gage was caressing my aching, heated, and likely very red skin for a second time. He was at least giving me the opportunity to breathe, allowing the agony to morph into a mild discomfort.
But when he brushed the tips of his fingers down the crack of my ass, undoubtedly attracted to my glistening pussy lips, Iwhimpered like a child. I might have fantasized about the man the night before, enough so I’d woken up hot and wet, but I wouldn’t consider this romantic or foreplay. Perhaps he thought otherwise, which would make him twisted.
I held my breath, shocked when he pulled his hand away. I would have thought he was the kind of man to take what he wanted. I found myself almost insulted, which was ridiculous.
“Only five more and we’re done.” Was there now a strangled raspiness to his voice? Yes, I believe there was.
Five? Why not one hundred? I almost spewed the words but also knew that wasn’t in my best interest. He was the kind of man to accept a challenge. No matter how heinous.
His exhale was exaggerated but when he started again, it was easy to tell he was totally focusing and cherishing every moment of what he was doing. I could no longer feel anything but blistering heat, which was likely very good at this point. I felt breathless, nauseous, and excited and the combination was ridiculous.
I hadn’t counted and thankfully, he hadn’t asked me to. However, when he was finished, he didn’t make a big deal about it. Meanwhile, a single tear had slipped past my lashes. I was sorry that I’d gone against the rules. It had seemed innocent enough at the time.
While I had no idea how much time had gone by, when he helped me off the desk, I immediately jerked away from him but immediately fell against the surface.
“Whoa. You’re going to be a little unsteady on your feet so just take it easy for a little while. Okay?”
He was now instructing me on how I’d feel after a round of discipline. It seemed odd but strangely comforting at the same time. I allowed him to help me stand, trying to regroup when it was next to impossible.
“Are you okay?” His question was laced with concern and all I could think about was ripping his eyeballs out.
“As okay as someone just put through torture can be.”
He chuckled. “You truly don’t understand.”
“What I understand it that BDSM is disgusting and meant to be painful and nothing else.”
His sigh was one of frustration. “That’s not true, Evangeline. There is so much difference in the world of BDSM that most people can’t fully embrace unless they’ve studied the lifestyle or lived it. Perhaps if you’re interested, I’ll show you the difference between feeling freer than you ever have in your life and what many people consider abuse.”