Page 43 of Royal Pain
I couldn’t imagine what a reporter or enemy would do with the information. They could spin it any way they wanted.
The master lowered his head toward Gage as we closed the distance. No matter the profession, there was still pomp and circumstance involved. I guess the master knew better than to bite the hand that fed him.
“Master Zane. Allow me to introduce my protégé, the lovely Evangeline.”
Protégé? And why was he introducing me? Wasn’t I a nobody in this… I was in control. I was in control.
“You will be perfect, child. Let’s get you hopped up in the swing. Mr. Royal, you’ve attended more than one of my classes. Simply start with a single column tie so that Evangeline gets used to the feel of having rope around her wrists and the audience can see how simple the technique can be.”
The rope swing was comfortable, the height perfect for me not to feel claustrophobic in the room.
As the master stood back, Gage lifted my right arm gently, keeping his eyes on me for a few seconds before selecting a veryshort, braided rope. He stood where everyone could see what he was doing and within seconds, a loop was formed, a triple tie twisted around my wrist.
“How does that feel?” Gage asked.
“Good. Sir.” I had a feeling it was required I add the term of respect, even if the rules hadn’t been explained.
I was aware Gage was touching me every few seconds, another comforting gesture that I needed. No longer was my heart racing or my pulse increasing to a dangerously high level. I was content, not threatened in any way.
Over the course of the next several minutes, my ankles were bound, only directly in front of me, not where my naked pussy could possibly be seen. I was certain my arms were next and tension began to rise.
As Gage had done before, he gripped my chin, rubbing his thumb across my bottom lip. When he spoke, he moved in front of me, keeping his voice low enough only I could hear him.
“Relax. That’s it for today.”
I almost choked up, tears even forming in my eyes. It was as if the man had broken a dam by knowing me and my needs better than I knew myself.
“An excellent demonstration, Mr. Royal. There’s a reason you’re called the master.” Master Zane was once again all pomp and circumstance.
As he untied me and led me to the door, I almost gathered a sense of loss. Once outside, Gage brought my wrist to his mouth, kissing my skin.
“Are you ready for more?” he asked with a gleam in his eyes.
“Yes. Oh, yes.”
The simple non-pushy demonstration with me as the subject had awakened something inside, something beautiful and magical. I was now breathless with anticipation of what I’d see next.
Gage didn’t disappoint, moving from room to room, classrooms turning into private sessions, those morphing into what appeared to be a group orgy. Maybe that surprised me the most and I had to admit I didn’t attempt to recognize anyone. If I did, I’d never be able to look them in the eyes again.
His hand firmly wrapped around mine, he led me to an elevator at the end of a corridor. There were at least two dozen rooms and I could only imagine what else was going on behind closed doors.
I was more excited than I’d thought I could be, my breathing labored with anticipation.
As he led me into the elevator, he hesitated before allowing the door to close. “You do realize we cater to all types, all proclivities. Yes?”
“Yes, I knew that early on.”
“In doing so, there are novice members much like yourself who believe in the darker side of the world, the more gothic, old-world charm of darkness and shadows.”
“You mean dungeons.”
I adored his husky laugh, the amusement forming in his eyes. “I can’t get anything past you. Now, can I?”
“Not a thing. Smart as a whip.”
“Whip. I like that word.” As the elevator started to move, I could tell he was kidding.
Or was he?