Page 57 of Royal Pain
“We will. When everything is back to the way it’s supposed to be.”
Whenever and if that was even possible.
“And next time, I’ll have my convertible,” he said, shifting gears again.
“How many vehicles do you own?”
Gage almost looked sheepish. “A few.”
“Uh-huh. Rich boy’s toys.”
“A boy’s gotta have a hobby. Come on. We’ll get you back to the house.”
Not knowing anything about the city, it didn’t seem to take long before he suddenly drove into some of the most beautiful palm tree-lined, perfectly coiffed streets I’d ever seen. The difference from the way Weathered Heights appeared was that you couldtell this area had rich but very normal people enjoying their wealth and nothing more. Maybe I was crazy, but the vibes as we drove by were totally different.
He made a couple of turns and slowed as he rolled down a street.
“You live here?”
“I do. It’s smaller than the homes my brothers live in but suits me just fine.”
As he rolled to a gated section at the end of the road, I quickly glanced in his direction. No, I couldn’t see the house from the incredible and very vivid foliage lining the driveway. I could see dozens of crepe myrtles and the most stunning raspberry color on one side, and the other held huge hibiscuses in orange and yellows and other shrubs I couldn’t identify. However, anyone who lived behind gates had something to protect.
Or something to hide.
I had a feeling with the Royal family, it was all about keeping their success as private as possible. “Let me guess, you have staff.”
He chuckled as he pressed his thumb on a keypad, the iron gate immediately sliding open. “Well, since I do a lot of traveling, I need some people. I have two incredible housekeepers, one who purchases groceries for me. Not always. Just when I’ve been away. Of course I have a couple landscapers, who I think do an incredible job with the lawn and surrounding area, and I also have what you would call a pool boy.”
“Uh-huh. Not a pool girl?”
“Not a pool girl. I don’t go trolling for girlfriends if you’re worried about that.”
“Why would I be worried?”
As he drove up an incredible winding driveway, I was prepared to have my breath taken away. And it was. I’m not sure what I expected, but the Mediterranean-style home wasn’t it. It was two stories with the traditional arched windows and doors, a lovely balcony attached to three of the upstairs windows, one set of arched French doors. There was a stunning entrance feature leading to a massive arched wooden door. In front was an art-inspired fountain and wading pool, the fountain itself shaped like a dolphin with the water escaping the dolphin’s open mouth.
The landscape continued on both sides, the lovely architecture so picturesque I was certain it had been photographed for some fancy magazine. I could see a three-car garage attached to the house with what appeared to be another three-car garage in a separate building.
“This is… Holy shit.”
He laughed. “I take it you like?”
“Like? This could be taken straight out of a book of dream homes for me. I can’t wait to see inside. Is it a man cave?”
“I guess you’ll have to judge for yourself.” He cut the engine and I was surprised he didn’t pull it into one of the garages. Maybe later. “Come on. Let me grab the luggage.”
“Shame I don’t have any.”
“Stop worrying. I’ll handle all that with your approval of course.”
“You are that kind of man. Take control. Including of your woman.”
He tipped his head after walking to the trunk. “Maybe.”
“No maybe about it.”
There was no huge staff to greet us, which made me feel a bit more comfortable. I’d never considered myself rich, mostly because I’d been stupid enough to allow Joseph to control our funds, but he certainly enjoyed the perks. Maybe I couldn’t stomach the thought of spending time with any man who needed people to wipe his butt for him.