Page 68 of Royal Pain
“You’re certain about that?”
“Oh, yes.” I should have known he wasn’t going to be gentle this go-around. When he plunged his cock deep inside like he’d done in the pool, the effect was different.
More brutal but delicious.
“Oh. God. I…” There was no chance I could issue a coherent sentence of any kind. My mind was foggy in a beautiful way and he kept his cock buried deep inside, shifting his hips back and forth.
My back was already arched but when he shifted his hand to my long, damp hair, wrapping several inches around his hand and using it as a leash, it was another reminder I belonged to him.
I was almost staring at the ceiling at this point, gasping for even breaths as he pulled out, slamming into me again.
And again.
The man was going to be my complete undoing. Fine. Dandy.
I needed it. Maybe I needed his domination more than I believed. Whatever the case, I was in another state of rapture within seconds, trying to meet every brutal thrust even though it was impossible.
He was fulfilling a need, processing a future and doing his best to keep his control. Within seconds, I was no longer capable of uttering anything coherent. The pleasure was far too intense, my mind blown by how amazing it all felt.
The hard slapping of his skin against mine was a powerful aphrodisiac, pushing me closer and closer to pure ecstasy.
I knew we were in sync but the moment I felt every muscle in my body tense, noting his was as well, my crazy mind processed and determined we were meant to be together.
The way the orgasm rushed into me seemed slow, as if time had all but stopped. I heard his deep growls, which matched my ragged moans. At some point soon after that, there was no holding back, no need for him to command me to climax.
We both did.
The feel of his hot cum spewing deep inside was a perfect reminder we were both very much alive.
I was no longer shocked one orgasm lingered or turned into a giant wave. It was just what happened with him. At some point, Irealized the echoing sound I heard was both of us, our breathing heavy.
He let go of my hair, collapsing over me.
I adored the weight of his body, the way I could feel his rapidly beating heart.
We both fell onto the bed, and he rolled me over onto my side, wrapping his muscular arm around me.
I hadn’t realized until at that moment how exhausted I was. As soon as I closed my eyes, I sensed I was falling asleep. And as I did, I fell into the sweetest dream of the three of us together, enjoying time spent in the pool. I could feel myself smile.
If only it wasn’t just a pipe… dream.
Nothing had ever really scared me.
Fear was for bullies and idiots who knew no better. Kind of like the ridiculous horror flicks where the victims always did the dumbest thing that could be accomplished in the movie. It was great for blood and gore but not in real life.
Plus, being trained in various aspects of martial arts as well as taking boxing classes for a few years had not only honed my muscles but given me much more control in fighting physically.
I should be grateful for that since I seemed to have no control around her.
I hadn’t pointed out I had several gun stashes placed in strategic locations to her. That would terrify her even more.
Although she’d been a cool cucumber when I’d walked back from the phone call from Braxton, acting as if it was to be expected.