Page 3 of Pawns of Salistya
She hummed in agreement. ‘I’ve checked on the training from time to time. There’s a clear divide between the Arloman trainees and the Salistyan trainees. The Solistan-born trainees have been more welcoming towards the Arlomans, which is to be expected. We are a welcoming bunch, after all,’ Meredith teased, knowing I’d always been envious of her Solistan heritage. Where Salistyans tended towards mistrust and secrecy, Solistans were more open and accepting of the other Doms.
‘I hear what you’re saying, though,’ she continued. ‘I remember when I received my magic. The new moon fell two days after my sixteenth birthday and the process was chaos. There were about twenty of us being herded like cattle, Solistan trainers teleporting in and out to take us to the Temple. I was equally scared and excited. Nothing can prepare you for that. But, at least I knew what was going to happen. But you’re right, the Arlomans don’t. The minute they landed on the Isles, their world would’ve turned upside down.’
I can only imagine the shock of the first Arloman trainees when, on the first new moon after their sixteenth birthday, the Goddess Wystia gifted the trainee her magic in the form of enhanced physical capabilities and an affinity to one or two elements. I didn’t evenknow if they had been told that they would spend the next three years on the Solista Isles honing their magic, getting acquainted with their heightened senses, supernatural strength, ability to physically control another and detect physical presences. Throw in an affinity and ability to work with fire, air, water or earth, and it would have been a shock to the system.
As time went on, the best and brightest who show an affinity for two elements would be swiftly identified and trained elsewhere to become assassins for the royals – known as Sol – much like Meredith and myself. Normally when they graduate, they either decide to enlist in the army back in Savast, Salistya’s capital, or stay on the Solista Isles. All along they know the royals have the right to order their move back to Salistya at any time, and that’s only if their decision to stay is initially respected. More often than not, their decision to stay on the Isles is rejected, especially with women and unlucky men who favour only one of the elements. They were sent straight to the breeding programs, ensuring the continuity of Salistya’s army for the next generations. As a result, a lot of people didn’t actually get a choice.
I had planned to stay back, marry the love of my life, embark on confidential missions, and live my life on the Solista Isles. I was one week from finishing my training when my parents and brother died. A year later, I was married to Eliasson in place of Slaviya.
And now here I am, the day after our first wedding anniversary. Looking back now, I can see how naïve I was to think being third in line meant I could essentially avoid any form of royal duties. But at least today had been turned into a holiday for Arlom, which meant I could spend the whole day by the ocean whilst Eliasson was away for the night on a hunting trip. Translation: I’m able to leave for the Isles as soon as the sun sets. Home sweet home.
‘Copper for your thoughts?’ Mer asked, interrupting my reverie. But then she hesitated, looking at me. ‘Actually no, don’t tell me if it’s a continuation of your wallowing. I should be the one wallowing having to listen to your late-night antics last night after not getting laid in forever’.
Rolling my eyes, I retorted, ‘Forever? Please. I know you and Eliasson’s second-in-command got it on not four nights ago. From the way Mazyr was talking, your satisfaction level screamed a five-star rating.’
‘That little gossipy shit,’ Mer muttered, throwing her water bottle in the sand. ‘I’m just doing my duty in creating strong connections with our allies.’ She threw me a wink. ‘And four days is forever, Val,’ she added as an afterthought.
I burst out laughing. Trust a mage to say that. We were sensual by nature and had specific needs that required regular fulfillment. Because of these needs, it wasn’t abnormal for a mage to have multiple partners.
‘Now, now, Mer, don’t be too upset with him. He was trying to make me feel better that one of our own was having a raunchy time. It may have just come at the cost of your privacy. But let’s not forget the barracks on the Isles. There was no privacy there, nor any shame.’
‘We were fourteen and had just found independence out of home, Val. Totally different,’ Meredith shot back.
‘Hmmm, perspective is a beautiful thing, isn’t it?’ I teased, before soberly continuing, ‘Sex is sex, Mer. Whether you’re male or female, whether you like doing it with a male or female. Hell, why not both? Either way, there’s no need to be embarrassed or ashamed. It’s a normal part of life, so good on you for having a good time and going after what you want. I shall live vicariously through you having settled down into my wise, married age.’ I may or may nothave attempted and failed to sound serious at the ‘wise, married age’ part.
Mer rolled her eyes. ‘You’re almost twenty-one, Val. Not sixty. Plus, we all know you have the capacity to get a little side bang occasionally.’ Raising her voice before I could interrupt, Mer continued, ‘And don’t you even try lying to me. I know that half the reason you’re going to the Isles tonight is to have a little rendezvous with lover boy, away from watchful eyes.’
Releasing a breath, I remained quiet. Not because I wanted silence to convey that she was right, but rather the current state of my sexual deprivation was so dire that the word rendezvous was enough to stir some serious emotions inside of me. In a certain region. Down below. Eliasson and his want to make love alone was just not cutting it for me.
‘Speaking of rendezvous, though, I need to take my contraceptive remedy. Goddess forbid I’m with an Arlom heir.’ I pulled a face.
Watching the sun slowly sink towards the horizon, I realised it was time to go. I had a home to visit. I stood up and reached my hand down to help Mer up. Our hands stayed intertwined as we walked up the beach back to the royal apartments.
Before we were in earshot of Arlomans inside, Meredith halted my movements. I raised an eyebrow in question.
‘I know this time of year is difficult for you, Val. I want you to enjoy yourself on the Isles tonight, forget all your worries,’ Meredith stated, a sincere look on her face for a split second before the face of a trained Solistan assassin took over.
‘But when you come back, our Sol needs to plan how we will execute the first step,’ she continued. ‘It has been a year already and some Arlomans have been gifted their magic on the Isles. We can only hold off correspondence with their parents for so long. The secrets of the Isles can’t be released, not until he’s taken care of and the Kingdom of Arlom is under your reign. Your sister is becoming restless, andwe all know that avoiding the Queen of Salistya’s outbursts, for lack of a better description, is in everyone’s best interests. Including yours. Push comes to shove, despite their loyalty with Salistya and Slaviya as their official ruler, the Solistans have always seen you as their rightful heir. You have trained with us, laughed with us, and fought with us. It’s time to play the game and avoid a conflict that would put the Isles in the middle. You owe them that and you know the time is upon us.’
I wish there was a way to get out of this mission. To reverse time and stay far away from it all. But there was no going back. Once a mission was assigned, no other Salistyan could touch the target. Once a mission was underway, there was no backing out of it. The price of interference or aborting a mission was death.
Turning to face her fully, knowing my own face was that of a trained assassin, I said, ‘I know, Mer. It will be done.’
She gazed intently at me, trying to see Goddess knows what. After a moment, apparently happy with what she saw, she nodded, kissed her three middle fingers, placed them on her chest and bowed as a sign of respect in the presence of royalty. But we both knew she wouldn’t have bothered with that had there not been guards watching our every move. ‘For the Goddess Wystia, and the Queendom of Salistya.’
Kissing my three middle fingers and placing them to the middle of my brow, the third eye of Wystia, ‘Protect our family,’ I finished.
Meredith straightened her back. ‘I’ll see you in an hour, Val.’
Nodding, I resumed my path to the royal apartments as she went the other way, ignoring the guards surrounding the outskirts. I headed straight past the living area, up the stairs and into my sanctuary.
I loved my quarters. They were a place that I can call my own in this foreign kingdom. I had gone for a minimalist coastal aestheticwhen decorating my space. A bed, a separate day bed, and bedside tables with ocean blue cushions and decorations, which make the light weathered-wood furnishings pop, filled the room. Of course, I had also insisted on some tropical indoor plants, to acknowledge my ties to the Isles. They help to keep me grounded and connected to home. I loved laying in my bed, looking out the glass doors that led to my personal balcony. The natural light of the sun when it was setting landed perfectly in my room. It was one of the small yet magical moments in life that I soaked up as much as I could.
The only thing that rivals my love for that sight is the closet next to the balcony. My wardrobe was filled to the brim with everything a girl could ever want. Sometimes it wasn’t all bad being a royal. Granted, those times were highly infrequent, but they were there.
Walking past my bed, I stepped out onto the balcony to enjoy the sunset and the last of the south-westerly breeze. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach as I allowed in the excitement for my upcoming trip to the Isles. I would’ve loved to have gone first thing this morning once Eliasson had disentangled himself from his bed, but I had to restrain myself. Our marriage may have solidified a political union, but Eliasson didn’t confuse lusting after me with trusting me completely. I always had guards on me, and knowing what I know, I guess I can’t blame him, though it is highly inconvenient, frustrating, and annoying – the list goes on.
It leaves me in a less than ideal situation; forcing myself to be out and about in Arlom’s capital city, Amarald, so as not to raise any suspicions by disappearing from sight whenever I wanted. However, when night came, no suspicions were ever raised as I mostly had them to myself. From the minute I had stepped foot in the kingdom, Eliasson knew where I stood regarding night-time events, such as dinners and balls, namely that they are to be limited unless critical. The definition of critical had to be heavily negotiated,but I managed to get it to unavoidable Dom events, including visits and Forums with the royals of the other Doms.