Page 67 of Freeing Hook
“And am I to forgive what you did to my family on the grounds that it was revenge that drove you to it? That you had a good reason to lose control?”
Astor’s voice is soft, low, when it tickles my ear. “I don’t lose control, Wendy Darling. And lest my memory fails me, I don’t recall asking for your forgiveness.”
Tertius Vale has returned from the docks and is already asleep by the time we sneak through his manor windows and into his room. We have to tiptoe over weeks-old meals left to mildew and clothes strewn about. The manor itself is large enough to demand servants, though Vale seems to be the only one inhabiting the house.
Explains why he felt the need to visit the Carlisles and sell them a secret. Though in the end, it wasn’t coin he asked for, but a night with Lady Carlisle. Perhaps that’s why he no longer has the capital to pay servants. Too much wealth squandered on prostitutes and opium down by the docks.
I’m not sure why my blood froths in the presence of this man. I don’t know him, and he’s certainly done nothing to me. But as I stare down at his wrinkled face, I witness a dozen others, all eager to get their hands on me, none of them deterred by my youth. There’s something that tells me that if Vale had lived in Estelle, he would have loved being one of my parents’ dinner guests.
Bet he wouldn’t have married me, either.
I can’t tell if it’s that hunch or the sickly scent of days-old milk left in a half-full bottle by his bed that’s rattling my senses.
I’m not at all sorry when Astor wakes Vale by nicking his throat with his blade.
The man jolts in bed, which only serves to dig the cut deeper, though Astor is prepared for such a reaction and angles the knife so that he won’t spill too much blood. No need to risk slicing an artery that might keep us from getting the information we need.
“You,” hisses the wiry old man as he blinks up at Captain Astor. They hadn’t been seated near one another at the table, but he must recognize him all the same.
“Me,” says Captain Astor with a feral grin.
I’m not sure whether he despises Vale for the same reasons I do, or if he just enjoys the thrill of threatening someone he perceives as weak.
My guess would be the latter.
“What do you want? I don’t have any money, as you can probably surmise,” Vale says, licking his chapped lips as he glances about his disheveled room. Almost like he’s embarrassed. It’s so sad, it’s a tad disgusting.
“Your poverty shouldn’t be an issue,” says Astor, snaking the blade of the knife around the man’s throat and lifting his jowls like he’s peering underneath a curtain. I have to hold back a cruel laugh.
“We want someone who can perform a Mating Bond removal ritual,” I say. Astor glances at me, crinkling his forehead like he’s surprised I spoke up, but he gestures for me to continue all the same. “Tell us, and tomorrow morning when you wake, you can tell yourself we were only a nightmare you’re glad to be rid of.”
Astor appears amused as he watches me. “A tad dramatic, Darling, but not untrue.”
Vale snorts. “I very much doubt I’ll think I dreamed this up, given the scar I’ll have from this blade.”
I dig my heels in. “You can pretend you cut yourself shaving.”
“Are you really planning on dying on this hill?” asks Astor, flicking his eyes over to me through his heavy black eyelashes.
My heart flutters at the laughter simmering underneath his expression. “We must die somewhere,” I volley back.
Astor sighs, then leans over the man, digging the knife in deeper. “Very well. You heard my companion. Tell her you’ll believe she was a nightmare when you wake up in the morning.”
The man rolls his eyes. “Surely—”
Astor knicks a chunk off Vale’s skin. He yelps. “Fine, fine. It shouldn’t be too much of a stretch of the imagination,” he grumbles.
It’s probably not the professional pirate—excuse me, privateer—thing to do, but I beam.
“Would you like to hold the knife, too?” Astor asks, his tone rendering his subsequent eye roll redundant.
“I’m tempted,” I say, which is a lie, but a fun one. “But I’m happy to be the one to do the interrogating this time. I’ll spare you having to clean up the mess. I know you hated it last time.”
Vale’s eyes widen, like he can’t tell whether I’m bluffing but isn’t willing to find out. Astor turns his face away like he’s bored, but I know he’s biting back a smile. He wouldn’t aim one of those in my direction if that knife was held to his throat instead.