Page 94 of Freeing Hook
“Astor,” I whisper, staring at the shadow.
He traces the line of my vision, narrowing his eyes. As if he thinks if only he focuses hard enough, he’ll be able to glimpse the wraith.
“Hello,” I say, voice shaking. I realize I’ve never intentionally addressed a wraith before.
The shadow turns its blurred head, searching the alley until its attention lands on me.
“You’re a pretty little thing,” it says. “Why, it’s a wonder they allow you to be out here.” He nods toward the brothel. “Perhaps they don’t know about you. Perhaps I should tell them.”
I fight the blood threatening to drain from my face, remembering this shadow can’t lay a hand on me. The worst it can do is frighten me, and only if I allow it.
“Why would you do that?” I ask, gooseflesh forming on my arms as I wrap them around my stomach. I’m rocking back and forth despite myself.
“People pay good money for a pretty girl like you. I could use good money.”
Be what he wants you to be, I tell myself.
I let myself shake, don’t try to hide my trembling hands. “Please,” I say. “I can’t go back there. Please don’t make me go back. I’ll do anything.”
The shadow glides toward me, sizing me up. “Anything?”
Careful who you give your anythings to, I remember Astor telling me one night when I had him trapped in the cave off of Neverland’s shoreline. I wonder if he’s thinking about that now as he listens to only one side of the conversation.
“Anything,” I say, taking care to be breathy. I try not to glance at Astor, who’s examining me with hard eyes.
“You know, I’m in need of a maid,” he says. “A private one.”
A chill wraps up my arms. I know exactly what this man, this memory of a man, intends, but I play naïve. “I know how to cook. And I can clean while staying quiet, out of the way.”
The wraith nods, a smile breaking over his face. “I can’t bring you back with me. The No—our leader doesn’t like us bringing in our own women. If you want to get past the guards, you’ll have to have come yourself. And with a passcode.”
I nod, pouring desperation into my reaction.
When the shadowed man leans over and whispers it into my ear, I tremble. I can’t decide whether it’s fear of this terrible creature I made, or the unease at how little regret I have over making it.
I stare down at the tile Tink just pushed across the floor of the cave toward me and blink, wondering if my glasses really are getting so warped that it’s changing the meaning of letters now. It’s silly, I know, but I can’t bring myself to take them off in front of Tink. Can’t help but want her to take me seriously.
“We’ve been talking for hours,” I say, confused. I’ve been questioning her about Peter for at least an hour, to no avail, and was helping her create new tiles for at least two hours before that.
When Tink first confirmed Peter’s story about Wendy being taken by Astor—adding the part that Peter gave her away—I’d been skeptical.
Well, I’m still skeptical. That’s why I’ve been questioning her. She came to Neverland in love with Peter, after all. Attacked my sister out of jealousy. If she’s still in love with Peter, it stands to reason that she would perceive whatever happened to Wendy as Peter giving her away. Our minds have a nasty habit of warping reality into a more palatable version of itself. And as little as Itrust Peter, it’s difficult for me to imagine someone so possessive handing Wendy over to another man.
Still. I can’t make sense of someone like Tink, someone so bold and independent, letting Peter have that kind of control over her.
Wendy letting him control her—that makes sense. She’s been letting others guide her path for years, as much as it grieves me to see it. But there’s something about Peter having such a hold over Tink that doesn’t line up. The last puzzle piece that won’t quite fit into place, no matter how hard you try to jam it.
Tink taps her long fingernails against two tiles, whisking me out of my thoughts. “JOHN TALK.” When I open my hands in a questioning gesture, she rolls her eyes. “TINK BORED. JOHN TALK.”
“About what?”