Page 85 of Love me, Maddie Mendoza
“It has the same effect.” Jason used the gavel. “This isn’t about just running, Brother King.”
In my wildest dreams, Jason would never call me Brother King ever again. I arched my brow at Nick. “You’re really into this madness?”
“Ok, ok.” He shook his head. “This is serious. We are worried.”
I chuckled because to me sounded like a silly joke, but they did not follow me. My forehead creased, and I looked from Nick to Jason. Again and again, until, to my utter surprise, Jason took the wig off and let the gavel down.
“It’s about Maddie, King.”
I shifted in my sit, uncomfortable for the first time. Wishing the wig was back on and the silliness returned.
“What’s going on with Maddie?” I let it out.
“That’s a good question. You two…” Jason seemed lost for words, turning to Nick.
I turned to Nick too, waiting for what the man had to say.
“Are you sleeping with Maddie?” Nick went there, point blank.
I scoffed but said nothing. I wasn’t, but I really wanted to. It was better not to reply.
“Are you?” Jason bugged his eyes.
“No.” I gritted out.
They looked at each other, a message passing along between them. Why were they talking about me behind my back?
“That’s what we feared.” Jason nodded to himself.
“What the hell?” I spoke up. “I never slept with Maddie. What kind of question is that?”
“Things changed.” Nick looked unbothered by my outburst. “You and Maddie… you’re acting weird. Like a couple.”
I laughed, but Jason picked up from there. “You know it’s true. You both can’t take your hands off each other. It’s around the house, it’s…”
“Around the house?” My eyebrow soared.
“Yes.” Nick was firm. “It changed since you both came back. And at the party?” he shook his head. “Everyone saw you raging on the guy dancing with her. You put a claim on her.”
I rolled my eyes. I couldn’t stop it. “Maddie and I have always been close. We were dancing.”
That did not convince them. “You were dry humping out there.” Jason said. “Super hot by the way.” He gave me a thumbs up and I ignored it.
“Which would be fine if you were fucking.” Nick added. “But the fact you’re spending hours at the gym and running like a lunatic is enough proof that no sex is happening.”
“What’s this is really about?” I felt drained, physically and mentally. My knee hurt and I didn’t want to ice it in front of them.
“Do you love Maddie?” Jason asked.
I sighed. “Of course, I love Maddie.”
“No, that’s…” Nick shook his head. “Do you want more than friendship with her?”
“That’s irrelevant.” I spat too quickly.
“And why is that?” Nick wanted to know.
“Because…” I rolled my shoulders. I didn’t know why. Because I’d never act on it? Because if I raised the question to Maddie, would we never be the same? It was everything and nothing at the same time.