Page 57 of Bring me Back
Rage coursed through my veins, but I had to keep myself in check since I had to be on my best behavior to bring the kids to the camp. My eyes traced the school parking lot in search of the usual cars. But it was too early. There were no teachers around or students but the ones heading to Spring’s Harbor. My rational side thought it was better this way. The other part of me?
I wanted nothing but to meet Anderson face to face. I wanted to tear him apart, limb by limb. I always thought he was an incompetent fuck, far more interested in his own ego than what was best for the kids. But I shouldn’t have underestimated him. He could’ve gone lower. The thought of him holding Hallie’s pictures between his stupid clammy fingers… I released a shuddering breath.
I tried to calm down the entire weekend, happy that Mark and Abby stayed for a bit because the girls’ presence helped me to relax. But the second I arrived in the parking lot, all reason flew away.
My hands shook the clipboard, ticking names as the students got in the bus, taking the permission slip and keeping them safe. How did Hallie take it? How did she just stand there in all her grace and not succumb to binge murder the entire town?
I couldn’t handle a weekend of knowing. I had no idea how she handled it for years. She was resilient, and pride swelled in my heart. My appreciation for her was almost constant as the anger I felt toward Anderson.
I spent so long trying to control myself, I didn’t notice the obvious thing we were missing. It was Alan, who played Nick Bottom, who asked first, “Where’s Mrs. Carr?”
I opened my mouth and then frowned, checking my watch. We agreed to meet ten minutes before the kids were supposed to arrive, but she never showed up. And then I got busy and enraged and…
I nudged Alan toward the bus as I fished my phone from my front pocket and tried Helen’s number. More students arrived. I called Helen with the phone between my ear and shoulder as I ticked names. It rang out twice, and I was officially worried. All students had arrived and were now waiting inside the bus. The bus driver got in, dipping his chin and grumbling “good morning” as he sat behind the wheel. I was trying Helen one last time when a new car arrived.
Not Helen, who I was waiting for. Not Anderson, who I wanted to murder.
But Preston, with Hallie in his passenger’s seat. I placed the clipboard on the bus’ steps and jogged toward them as Hallie jumped out of the car with agility. She looked frazzled, her pony tail not as perky and her clothes wrinkled.
“I’m so sorry it took me so long to get here. I never packed so fast in my life.” She flung open the car’s trunk and retrieved a duffle bag.
“Are you coming?” I felt confused and just the right amount of trill.
Four days in a theater camp wasn’t exactly what I called fun, but if Hallie was coming, I was going to enjoy it much more. Like he read my mind, Preston came out of the car and watched me with narrowed eyes.
“How’s it going, Preston?” I was determined to kill him with kindness. The man muttered his answer, but it was good enough for me.
“Mrs. Carr didn’t call you?” Hallie asked, bringing my attention back to her. I shook my head as I tried to take the duffle bag off her hands, but Preston was quicker and got in my way taking the bag himself.
“Oscar is in the hospital,” Preston explained as he left to bring the duffle to the bus.
Oscar was Helen’s husband. I knew little about him, but I knew his health was fragile.
“I wondered why Mrs. Carr was so distracted the other day.” Hallie brushed her hair out of her face adorably. She turned and went for the trunk again, taking a much bigger suitcase out of it. I helped her set it on the ground without damaging Preston’s car. “She called me this morning in a rush. I’d assume she called you first.”
“I was calling her just now. Do you know if it is serious?”
Hallie shook her head. Poor Helen, she was probably overwhelmed and still had time to check if Hallie could take her place.
“I’m coming instead of her if that’s ok.”
“I think I’ll survive.” I smiled.
She rolled her eyes, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she followed me to the bus. “Two bags?”
“One of them is for my supplies. I can’t afford to stop working on the costumes right now. I’m making horns and wings this week. I brought whatever was small enough to fit into one bag.” She winced. “Sorry again for being late.”
“Don’t worry, Cricket. I’m glad you could get all your things in order.”
I forgot for a second her dad was in earshot. Preston held his arms crossed over his chest, watching us intently. I remembered what Hallie told me about how lonely she and Preston had been. I tried to be sympathetic to the man. It wasn’t just the fact I was clearly salivating over his daughter, but there were much more things to consider. Like I was older and Hallie was fragile.
Well, shelookedfragile, but I knew better now to let her appearance deceive me.
I opened the bus’s luggage compartment, and we tossed her bags in. I turned to tell Hallie she could get inside when I caught her looking up to the windows. Most of the students were fast asleep already, their heads resting on the glass. But a few faces watched us. My gaze zeroed in on Delilah Campbell straight away.
The rage came back.
All the soothing Hallie’s presence was able to do was gone in a flash when I remembered the name Campbell.