Page 65 of Bring me Back
“Scott, you’re banned!” I roared.
He stood right in the middle of the pool of water, brushing his wet hair off his face. “Banned from the hot spring?” he asked, gutted.
“Banned.” I repeated because obviously I wasn’t going to ban him from the hot spring, but I was annoyed anyway.
A girl named Carmen splashed water on him, scoffing. “Yeah, Scotty, get out of here!”
The girls were annoyed he splashed all over them, they were content with just relaxing and talking in a group. I couldn’t help but notice, the group had Hallie sitting on the edge, her legs dangling into water as three girls circled her, talking.
My lips tipped up from the image. I hardly saw Hallie with other girls, definitely not in a little group like that. And for a second, I forgot I wasn’t supposed to be watching her. My eyes were glued on her when she brushed a strand off her face, wet because of Scott’s splashing. She was talking to the girls, nodding to whatever Carmen was saying, when she stood up and I noticed her shorts were wet.
I gulped.
Hallie undid her button and slid the zipper down, and I stopped breathing. It was ridiculous. I was behaving exactly the way I told the boys not to behave. I was thirty-fucking-six years old, but when Hallie lowered her shorts and jumped out of them? I was just like a teenager.
She threw the shorts to the side, probably to dry, and instead of sitting, dove underwater.
I looked up at the sky, breathing through my mouth.
“Hey, how long until the next rehearsal?”
I groaned. I was trying to avoid her, but she wasn’t going to let me. I was trying my best to be a teacher first and foremost, but it wasn’t possible with her like that.
I looked down and there she was, looking the way she always look but now fucking wet. Sunglasses perched on top of her head, she had the smallest smirk on her lips. It dawned on me. She knew what she was doing. She knew how much she affected me and loved it. It was sassy Hallie coming out.
“In an hour.” I rasped.
“Already?” someone complained in the background.
“Aren’t you going for a swim?” Hallie batted her eyelashes.
I cleared my throat. “You better behave, Ms. Delos Santos.”
“Only if you do, Mr. Miller.” And she swam away, on her back, and I watched her wet swimsuit outline those damn perky nipples.
Jesus Christ.
“All I’m saying is that she has a bright future,” Pandora told me, her smile perfectly in place as she served more herbal tea, first to me and then Hallie.
“Thank you,” Hallie replied in her smallest voice.
“I’m glad.” I wasn’t. “But I’m afraid I’m not sure what you liked me to do, Pandora.”
She tilted her head, regarding us as she sighed. “Delilah tells me her parents don’t approve of her pursuing the arts.”
I exchanged a quick look with Hallie. We were called to Pandora’s office after dinner during our third day at Camp Nightfall. I was so sure someone did something dumb, before I left the cabin, I scanned the boy’s faces trying to find who looked guilty. But surprise, surprise. What she wanted to tell us was how good Delilah was.
“Her mother is very difficult,” I offered.
Pandora nodded. “It’s very common for kids like her to have to fight their parents. I told Delilah I’m recommending her name to a few theater troupes that will help with scholarships. This kind of commitment usually makes the parents realize the kids are serious.” She clicked her tongue, showing her disapproval. “But we need your help, too.”
“Help Delilah?” Hallie asked, clearing her throat. “How?”
“You say you know her family, don’t you? Bluehaven High is such a small High School.”
Hallie opened her mouth, but no sound came out of it. I gritted, “Yes, we know her family.”
Pandora nodded. “It would be great if you called her parents in a meeting to tell them of Delilah’s success. I can nudge her in the right direction but…” she frowned to herself. “It would be awful to see talent wasted.”