Page 65 of The Final Rose
Last time, Anya and the other members went a week ahead to get a few locations organized before the shooting.
Our team was diluted, the big names in first class, and the rest of us scattered through economy.
This time around, we are all together. Every cameraman, every assistant. My boss and her boss and everyone that is part ofThe Final Rose.
A P.A. called Tania is chatting with Tulio, a cameraman, just in the seat in front of us. Devi is with Doris in the seats across. There’s not a place where I don’t see a familiar face.
“Sebastian, they will--”
“Calm down, Callie.” He says with a chuckle. “I’m not staying. I’d figured this time around was too busy to try anything funny. But I asked for an hour to talk to you. I just said it was about the show, ok?”
I nod fast, and my forehead falls to the seat in front of me and I take a deep breath.
“I’m sorry you’re so stressed, love.”
He called me that before, but I didn’t give any notice. Now, after my talk with Nessa, the word seems to weigh more. I straighten my back and scan the plane again, seeing if anyone is paying attention to us.
When I’m sure they are ignoring everything around them, I relax a little. “I’m ok.”
It’s a lie, I’m a mess.
“Good.” He nods.
I face my left, really taking him in for the first time. He looks exhausted.
“Is everything ok?”
It takes Sebastian a second to reply. “It will be ok soon. We just need to hold on.”
I bite my lip and nod again. I know this is a disaster. Sometimes I think there’s no way to get out of this mess unscathed.
Sebastian’s voice goes down a notch. “You know I’m going to take care of you, right?” he vows. “I won’t let anything happen. I won’t destroy your career.”
I know his intentions are pure. I know he would never hurt me intentionally.
Before I have time to formulate a reply, he captures my chin between his fingers. The feeling of his warm hand on my skin calms me quickly. I close my eyes and let the sensations take over.
“I know you’re anxious and you have the right to be. It doesn’t escape me that you have more to lose than I do. I appreciate the trust you put in me, love. I know you could just turn around and not give me the time of day. I’m well aware.”
The breath hitches in my lungs. And I’m shaking my head, opening my eyes to his. “I can’t. I really can’t. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. But I can’t. I’m here and…”
And I want to stay with you.
Those are the words I don’t say. I told myself my whole life I’d never put my goals at risk. My future, the future of my family. And yet, my eyes fill with tears, I shake all over.
His thumb caresses my bottom lip, my tongue peaks out unbidden because I miss his taste. I see his dark pupils dilating so obviously in the sea of blue. A second goes by and we just look at each other. I hold my breath, hold myself still, marking our moment in time.
I really want to stand up, say I don’t care and announce we are together and that’s that. But I don’t, I wait.
Sebastian smiles, and then his hand lowers. We both clear our throats and look away. My heart is thumping in my chest and my hands shake. I control my voice and, louder than before, I turn to him and start talking about our upcoming schedule.
We have an hour together, and even though we can’t be ourselves, it doesn’t matter.
He goes back to his seat eventually, and I miss him the second he’s gone.
Ten hours later, I’m angry. I’m hungry. I’m full of nervous energy, but the good type.
I grab my luggage from the belt, and I know what I am going to do.