Page 8 of The Alpha King's Mate
His bear roared so loudly it shook the windows. “Don’t do that. And so what? Ryan is your mate. Go get him, tiger. Or lion. Go get him, lion. What’s the fucking problem? The day I knew Sloan was my mate…that was the best day of my life, and you’re acting like it’s a curse.”
“I’m almost twice his age.”
“So?” Tyrus laughed. “Sloan reads a bunch of those age-gap romances. Happens all the time. Fate doesn’t give a fuck about age.”
“And what about the fact that I’m a monster and he’s an angel? Huh? What am I supposed to do about that?”
“You know what we do, King. You aren’t out there, injudiciously killing for the fun of it. We’re taking out bad guys. We’re putting an end to the abuse of omegas and children, the most vulnerable people among shifters. You’re not a monster, King. You’re doing what you have to in order to save others.”
I gripped my hair at the front and tugged hard. He wasn’t telling me I wasn’t good enough for Ryan. Or that I was too old. This would all be easier if he agreed with me. “He’s perfect, Ty. He’s perfect, and I’m just me.”
“You’d go out protecting all of us in this place, wouldn’t you? You’d kill for us. You’re great with the babies and with the omegas. What you do out there doesn’t define you. Hell,you think I’m anywhere in Sloan’s league? I’m not. But, at some point, I threw my hands in the air and let Fate have her way.”
“Fate,” I scoffed. “How could she ever think… I don’t know, but it’s killing me inside. Making my lion fucking nuts.”
“Maybe it’s time you stopped fighting so hard and submitted.”
“Lions don’t submit.”
Tyrus laughed hard and loud. “Oh, King, an omega who belongs to you will have you on your knees begging. Trust me. You gonna go get him, or what?”
I shrugged. “I’ll think about it.”
Tyrus left and I sat on the edge of my bed a few moments, thinking over what he’d said. With no decision made, I got up and decided to get some work done around here. Keep my mind busy.
I opened the door and gasped. Ryan was on the other side, fist raised as though he was about to knock.
“Ryan?” I asked.
My omega was pale and shaking. “I think…I think you’re my mate.”
Chapter Seven
Sloan offered to take me to the warehouse when he was heading there to pick up some supplies. My gut reaction had been to decline the offer. I was going to stay here. Why would I go there? Why would I open myself up to that hurt?
But then I looked across the room and saw Becca twirling around, telling everybody she was a fairy princess, and I realized that if I was losing my beast, I needed to fight. And if that meant getting my heart broken, then so be it. The children deserved someone who put them first and for the long-term, no matter how hard that battle might be.
I arranged for a sitter and drove to the warehouse with Sloan. With each mile that passed, my nerves ratcheted up, but oddly, my beast settled more and more. It was as if he knew I was finally doing what he’d been asking the entire time. He didn’t understand what I already knew; King probably already knew who I was and was ignoring it. He was strong, stronger than me, and the mating pull wouldn’t destroy him the same way. And I couldn’t blame him. How would he know what it would do to me? He couldn’t. And I didn’t want him to know because he’d mate me to save me, and that was not a good reason.
When we arrived, Sloan headed to go find Mav, and I went straight to King’s room. I wasn’t sure what I was going to say when I got there. I guess I was hoping I’d knock on the door, he’d open it, and everything would suddenly be okay. That the world would magically align itself. But that wasn’t how real life worked.
I reached up to knock, but before I could, the door opened.
“I think…I think you’re my mate.” The words tumbled out of my mouth, and the world stood still.
A minute later, I was in his room. The two of us alone, me sitting on the edge of the bed, him kneeling in front of me, asking if I was okay.
“Yeah. Yeah.” I wasn’t sure if I was telling the truth, but he looked so heartbroken. What other answer could I have?
He reached out, cupped my cheek. “No, seriously, look at me. Are you okay?”
I lifted my eyes to meet his. “No. No, I’m not. I haven’t been okay since my birthday.” Tears started to fall down my face. “I didn’t know what was happening. I didn’t know.”
He cursed under his breath. “I did, and I wasn’t man enough to say anything. I wanted better for you, and look what I did. I made things worse.”
He wanted better for me? That made no sense.