Page 24 of Jaded Alpha
“Where?” This voice was more pleasing and it preceded my mate hurtling into my arms. “It’s true, you’re here.”
I hugged him to me and kissed his cheeks and nose and forehead and, finally, his lips. But it wasn’t until we parted that I gripped him by the shoulders and said, “What just happened here?”
“You came to visit me, and I kissed you.” He beamed, those eyes sparkling.
“Yeah, but when someone said, ‘It’s Van Galaxis,’ what made you come running? I know you’re not a fan boy of mine or you’d…I mean you aren’t.”
“Oh, I’m your biggest fan.” He kissed me hard and spun me around to face the counter. “Everyone, this is Eddie, aka Van, and I’m taking the afternoon off.”
He untied the apron around his waist, tossed it to one of the other baristas, and towed me out the door. Then I dug in my heels. “Jamie, how long have you known? Did you recognize me right away?”
“Not until the morning after we made love, when I was watching you sleep. And I was so afraid you were just there for a weekend fling, even if it was with your mate. I kept waiting for you to tell me your real name.”
I kissed him again. “Eddie is my real name. Van is my middle name.”
“Oh. Well you still should have told me anyway.” His lower lip thrust out. “I was starting to think I’d have to pretend for our whole mated life that I didn’t know.”
“Wouldn’t that have created a situation.” I chuckled. “I’ll be back in six months, mate. Just running to the store for milk.”
“Only if we’re having cobbler.”
“If you know how to make it.”
But it wasn’t enough of a joke because my job involved a lot of travel, and it was not easy to both be my mate and have a life of your own. He took as much time off as he could and either went places with me or stayed at the cabin, and I hung out with him and his brother when possible. I still had time in my year off, but the band needed me, too, and we needed to find a better solution.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Waking up next to Van was everything I dreamed of, but the feeling only lasted a few minutes before our lack of decisions about our future took hold.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Van said. I laid across his abdomen, one of my legs flung over both of his.
“Morning,” I said and then froze. My stomach revolted and, before I could plan my next move, I scrambled to get to the bathroom and proceeded to vomit.
I heard Van’s footsteps as he rushed into the bathroom and turned on the water. This had been happening for the last week or so. I hated that I was sick while he was here, but I was surviving the best I could.
“Jamie, this is the fifth day in a row you’ve done this.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” I flushed the toilet and stood up.
“Sorry?” He wiped my face with the rag and then threw it in the sink. “You’re apologizing for throwing up?”
I shrugged. The tears started to flow. “Because I only have you for a few weeks, and I’m spending it not feeling well.”
“You’re not doing it on purpose. We both know that.” He sat down next to me and leaned his head back, hitting it on the wall. “I wish we could find a solution that fit the both of us. I miss you. Hell, I miss you right now, knowing that I’ll have to leave eventually, and you’re right here next to me.”
I leaned over, resting my throbbing head on his shoulder. “We’ll figure it out.”
“First things first, we need to get you to a healer.”
I groaned. “I don’t like doctors, Van.”
He chuckled. “It’s still strange hearing you call me Van. As your mate, can I say I don’t care? I’m really worried about you,and I want you to suck up your dislike of the medical system and go to a shifter healer.”
“I don’t even know if there’s one in the city,” I said, feeling like I’d won a little.