Page 10 of Storm In The Sky
“Sorry.” Winter didn’t know what else to say. He really was sorry that he couldn’t give Keylon what he needed.
He’d met several bonded mage and shield couples during the years he’d spent with Samuel’s clan. He’d always wanted that, but he’d wanted it with Samuel, or at least, that was what he’d convinced himself of. Being with Samuel would make everything so much easier.
Winter didn’t like the feeling of being out of control. He needed to know what was happening in his life and to be able to make his own decisions, and right now, he didn’t feel he could. He’d been told he was Keylon’s shield and that he was supposed to protect him and fall in love with him. He’d been told he’d been in love with Keylon before, but he couldn’t remember that, and while he could imagine falling in love with Keylon, it felt like something he was supposed to do rather than something he wanted to do.
He wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore. Keylon was setting him free, and there was no reason for Winter to feelguilty about it. No one could force him to fall in love with anyone. No one could force him to be a shield.
“If you’ll excuse me, I have to go,” Keylon said. He nodded and turned.
Keylon opened the door they’d been standing next to and stepped outside. It was getting dark, but it didn’t seem to matter to him. He quickly walked away, and Winter watched him go. For some reason, he wanted to call him back and talk to him some more, but the last thing he wanted was to hurt him even more. Something told him he would before the end of this, but for now, it would be better if he gave Keylon time alone.
Winter closed the door. He should probably go and get some dinner, but he didn’t feel up to spending time with others right now. Maybe he’d go to his room and start thinking about his future. Once he was free of Keylon, he could do whatever he wanted.
He didn’t manage to reach his room. Samuel found him before he could get there, and Winter wasn’t sure how he felt about that. At least everyone else seemed to be at dinner, so they wouldn’t hear this conversation. Winter doubted the other mages would be happy to find out what was happening between Winter and Keylon.
“I’ve been looking for you,” Samuel said. “I was told to look for Keylon, too. Do you know where he is?” Samuel stared at Winter as if he expected him to have Keylon in his pocket.
“Keylon went outside.”
Samuel frowned. “Outside? Why? It’s dinner time, and it’s getting dark.”
“I don’t think that’s a problem for mages. They can create light, can’t they?” There had to be a spell to do that.
“Probably, but why would he go outside on his own?”
“He needed time alone after we talked.”
Samuel stared for a moment. “Why? What happened?”
“I told him that I’d protect him until this was over, but he said it wouldn’t be necessary. He’s already looking for a new shield, so he’ll be able to break our bond soon, and once he does, you and I can go home.”
Winter had expected Samuel to be happy about it, but his best friend didn’t smile. Instead, he stared at him with an expression that Winter recognized as shock and anger.
He swallowed. He’d thought Samuel would be happy. He’dhopedSamuel would be happy.
“He’s going to break your bond?” Samuel asked.
“Yeah. It’s the easiest way for both of us to deal with this, right? If he finds another shield, he’ll be fine, and I’ll be free.”
Samuel was already shaking his head. “A bond between a mage and his shield shouldn’t be broken unless it’s absolutely necessary.”
“Well, it is. I don’t want to be bonded to him.”
Samuel raked a hand through his long hair. “But you did once. You loved him.”
“Not anymore,” Winter snapped. “In fact, as Winter, I’ve never loved him. That’s why I want to be free of his bond. I want to be able to have one with someone I actually want.”
Samuel frowned. “What? I didn’t know you were in love with anyone. Is it a mage in our clan? Did they encourage you to do this? They should’ve known better. You’re already bonded, Winter. You can’t throw that away, no matter how confused you are.”
Winter wasn’t confused. He quickly stepped forward and pulled Samuel into his arms. Samuel’s eyes widened, and he opened his mouth, but Winter ignored him. He cupped the back of Samuel’s head and held him in place as he leaned down to kiss him.
Samuel quickly closed his mouth. Winter pressed their lips together, his heart racing as he kissed Samuel for the first time.It was better than he’d ever dreamed of, even though Samuel wasn’t kissing him back.
Samuel pushed Winter away. Winter stumbled back, wondering what was happening.
“What are you doing?” Samuel asked.
“I want us to be mage and shield, Samuel. We can do it as soon as I’m free from Keylon’s bond.”