Page 5 of Storm In The Sky
Samuel didn’t want a shield, and he didn’t know that Winter was in love with him. Winter didn’t want to ruin their friendship, which was why he’d always kept it a secret. It felt even more important now that Keylon was in the picture.
“You might not be able to see yourself bonding like that with anyone, but you’re not Alvin. You might share the same face, but he was a very different kind of man.” Samuel arched a brow. “For one, I don’t think he would’ve run away from his shield the way you did. What’s happening, Winter? You’ve never been a coward. You’ve never run away from problems.”
Winter raked a hand through his hair. “My problems have never been like this. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want my life to change or to give you up.”
Samuel blinked. “Give me up? Why would you think you had to do that? I don’t think Keylon would demand you stop being my friend because you’re his shield.”
Winter shook his head. Samuel didn’t understand. He couldn’t, and Winter wasn’t about to explain. His feelings for Samuel were staying where they could do no damage.
Deep in Winter’s heart.
Samuel sighed. “Give him a chance, all right? You don’t have to continue being his shield if you’re not comfortable with it, but you have to see things from his point of view. He’s hurting, Winter. When he looks at you, he sees Alvin, and as far as he’s concerned, Alvin is rejecting him. If the two of you were fully bonded before, it has to be hell. If you were in love and a couple, Keylon has to be grieving the loss of that relationship. You’re not helping him by telling him to fuck off in the middle of the hallway. You’ll need to talk to him eventually.”
“Eventually, but not now.”
Samuel opened his mouth, probably to tell Winter to stop being a coward. Winter couldn’t say he wasn’t. He was terrified of talking to Keylon and of what that conversation would mean.
“I’m not ready for it,” he said quickly. “I know I’ll need to talk to him, and I will, but not right now. Not when everything’s still so confusing.”
Samuel stared at him for a moment before nodding. “Fine. But keep in mind what I told you. Keylon had nothing to do with what’s happened to you. He didn’t take away your memories, and he’s been trying to find you again for decades. Now that he has, you don’t remember him, and you don’t even seem to want anything to do with him. I don’t know if you’ll fall in love with him again, but the least you can do is give him a chance and be nice to him.”
Winter knew he wouldn’t be able to avoid this forever, but he could try to avoid it for as long as possible.
* * * *
After what had just happened, Keylon needed some air. Even though the castle was massive, it felt like its walls were closing in on him. He wasn’t claustrophobic, but it was getting to him.
He considered returning to his office and quickly dismissed that idea. He could hear someone talking in the distance, and while he loved his brothers, he wasn’t up to talking to any of them right now. He definitely wasn’t up to talking to the dragons, and there were so many of them in the castle these days that it felt like every time he turned a corner, he found one.
Instead of going back upstairs, Keylon turned and found the nearest door that would lead him outside. He carefully shut it behind himself, then leaned against it and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, then another, and once he felt more settled, he opened his eyes again.
The day was gorgeous. Fall had just started, and it was cooler than it had been for the last month or so, but it was still warm enough for him to be comfortable wearing short sleeves. There was a light breeze that ruffled his hair, and he could smell the lake.
His feet took him there almost on their own. He had to climb down the long set of stairs that led from the castle to the shore of the lake, but he didn’t care. Being careful not to fall face-first down the steps meant he had to focus on something that wasn’t Winter, which was what he was aiming for.
He wasn’t sure what he’d expected when he’d decided to talk to Winter. What hehadn’texpected was for Winter to tell him to fuck off and run away. Keylon was angry, but at the same time, it felt like his heart had been torn from his chest for Winter to stomp all over it.
Winter wasn’t Alvin. Keylon had to remind himself of that several times a day. It was getting easier. How could it not, whenevery time they were in the same room, Winter fled? Alvin would never have done that. He would never have made Keylon feel like he didn’t matter.
All those feelings were gone. Winter would never feel them for Keylon. Accepting that hurt.
Keylon had hoped to have more time. He knew Winter didn’t want to be here and that he was staying because they needed his help with Carlyle. Keylon had no doubt that as soon as that was over, Winter would be gone. He wouldn’t even look back. Winter didn’t care about Keylon or the other mages. He didn’t care about his past. To him, he didn’t have one.
Keylon stopped once he reached the water. He wasn’t planning on taking a dip, but the wind was stronger here, and it felt good on his skin. The sun was warm and made him feel like he was wrapped in a hug.
He could get plenty of hugs if he went back inside and found one of the other mages. He could even go to Jillian and tell her he needed one, and she wouldn’t hesitate. The non-mages who worked at the castle were like family as much as the mages.
But Keylon could only think of Winter.
He didn’t know if Winter wanted to become Samuel’s shield or what Samuel would think of it if Winter offered, but he did know that once all of this was over, he’d never see Winter again. That meant he had to make a decision.
Keylon didn’t feel like he’d ever be ready for another shield. It was the main reason he and the other mages hadn’t found new shields over the decades. They’d wantedtheirshields back, and they’d thought that once they found them, everything would go back to the way it had been before. They’d known it wouldn’t when they’d found the first dragon, but even then, they’d all hoped that eventually things would settle down.
Keylon hated to be the first mage to lose his dragon, but there was no hiding from that. That meant that he’d have to find anew shield, and even though his mind and heart rebelled at the thought, it would be best if it happened sooner rather than later. Maybe he could even find someone else before Carlyle attacked. It wouldn’t be fair to pull a new dragon into this fight, but Keylon would make sure to tell them everything so they could make an informed decision.
If the bond between Winter and Keylon was broken and Keylon bonded with another shield, Winter would be free to leave. Keylon wouldn’t bond with his new shield the way he had with Winter, but he didn’t need to. Maybe in time, he and his new shield would fall in love like what had happened with Alvin. Maybe they never would, and they would have to be satisfied with half a bond. At this point, Keylon didn’t care. He just wanted the pain to end.
Which meant breaking the bond between him and Winter. Keylon didn’t have a choice, even though he desperately wished he did. Winter didn’t want to be here, and Keylon wouldn’t force him to stay. It wasn’t the kind of relationship he wanted.