Page 25 of Something Old
“You’re fucking gorgeous.” He growls against my ear. “And I am going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to stand tomorrow.”
I gasp at his words, but still - something feels off.
He lifts me, using his hips to push my legs wider apart and I feel how hard his cock is up against me.
I want this so badly, and I’ve waited so long for him to come to me, but now it just feels wrong.
He chuckles, a low sound that rumbles through me, and when I realize that even his laugh seems off - a bolt of lightning slams into me.
This isn’t Masaccio.
“What the hell is going on?” I shout as I push him away.
He doesn’t really budge so I kick back on the dresser and end up knocking something off it.
Tuomo lifts is hands in the air defensively “Hey, ok, ok, calm down.”
“I will not calm down. Get out of here. You can’t do this.” I’m so angry I’m shaking. What the fuck is he doing in my room?
“Masaccio.” I scream for my husband to come and help me. I need him here. Now.
“Jeez woman. Calm down. There’s no need to shout, I’m right here.” Tuomo says.
“How stupid do you think I am? I know you’re not him.Tuomo.”
“What the fuck?” He stammers.
I reach behind me and grab the first thing I wrap my fingers around and throw it at him. He ducks, and it flies through the open door behind him.
He snarls at me, then grabs his jacket and spins away from me. I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank fuck. He’s leaving. I want to cry. I feel disgusting.
I feel filthy and like I’ve betrayed my husband. I kissed another man. Not just any man - his brother.
I slide off the dresser and grab my nightie off the floor, clutching it against my body as I search around the room for my dressing gown.
What am I going to do?
How am I going to explain this to my husband?
Just then - Masaccio walks into the room.
“Mas - I’m so sorry. I didn’t know - I thought it was you - I kissed your brother - I’m so sorry - please.”
I know I’m rambling, and I can’t seem to control the words streaming out of my mouth, but absolute panic has consumed me. I’m terrified he will leave me. What if he asks for a divorce?
Mas is staring at me with a cold look in his eyes. His eyes are trailing up and down my naked body in disgust as I try to hide behind the tiny scrap of fabric I am holding.
“How did you know it was my brother?”
“Because I know you. Will you ever forgive me? I promise you I stopped as soon as I realized.”
“But what was it that gave it away?”
I swallow hard. He must be furious.
“I - I don’t know. I could just tell it wasn’t you. The way he moved. The way he kissed. His laugh—” I don’t know how to explain this.
Mas tilts his head as though he is curious.