Page 47 of Something Old
“Ok, well join me then. You mentioned pizza this morning, and it made me crave it all day. I’ve ordered two. Do you like mushroom and salami?”
“I do.” I eye him, waiting for the outburst. Did he not get notifications on his phone every time I swiped the card?
He reaches his arm out and wraps it around my waist, guiding me back downstairs.
As I walk, I step to the side, out of his reach.
I don’t want him to touch me. I like it too much when he touches me, and I don’t want to put my heart at risk like that.
Sleeping with him last night was a huge mistake that I want to avoid making again.
For him it’s just sex - for me - it’s too intimate. It provokes my feelings.
But my efforts to avoid him are useless because he just moves closer again and presses his hand against my lower back as he leads me to the kitchen.
Two pizza boxes are sitting on the kitchen counter. I move to lift the lid to peek at what he ordered. I hope there isn’t anypineapple on here. Although - clearly, we aren’t soulmates or anything, hewouldlike pineapple.
I laugh at my thought.
Mas steps close to me and leans over to peek at the pizza too. Then in one movement too quick for me to escape - he wraps his hands around my hips and lifts me onto the kitchen counter. I sit there bewildered for a second, my feet hanging off the side.
“I think we can just eat in here. Do you want salt or that spicy sauce?”
“Um. Salt. Um - yes, the spicy sauce too.”
He fetches both and opens the lids of both boxes - sitting them next to each other near me so I can pick which one I want.
He hands me the salt and I sprinkle some on top, while he splashes the chili sauce over both.
Then - to my horror he picks up a slice, leans against the counter between my legs - and offers me a bite.
I lean back so fast I knock my head on the cupboard behind me.
He chuckles. But thankfully he steps away.
“Here you go.” He says, handing it to me from where he is now leaning against the counter next to me.
I take a deep breath, trying to focus on how good the pizza is.
He’s being very touchy - very affectionate.
Is this his way of saying he wants sex again?
I want to distract him or change the subject.
So, I do something stupid and bring up the money I spent today, knowing it will put an end to him being so nice.
“Do you get notifications when I spend money on your card?” I ask, because he for whatever reason - doesn’t get them or didn’t check them yet.
“Yes. Why do you ask?”
“Oh. So, you checked them today.” He can’t have.
“Yes, I saw the notifications.” He looks confused. And now I am confused.
“Why are you asking, Leo?”