Page 64 of Something Old
I want to tell her how I feel - that I’m sorry for the stupid way I acted. I want to explain to her I’ve never felt this way before and I’m not very good with words. But, I just stare at her instead, appreciating the soft curve of her cheek bones and the sharp dip of her collar bone.
I trace my fingers over it, following the shape of her body.
Her stomach growls loudly and she giggles.
“Are you hungry?” I ask, sitting up. “I can order some room service.” I climb off the bed ready to find the hotel phone.
“Actually. I have a nice selection of leftovers in the fridge. I’m happy to snack on that.”
“Alright. I can do with leftovers.” I head towards the little kitchen and unpack three boxes from the fridge.
Roast chicken pieces, a stir-fry and some sushi. An interesting mix of assorted flavors.
Putting them all onto a plate, arranging them nicely, I carry it back towards the bed and sit down next to her.
She’s pulled her floral dress back on, much to my disappointment.
“I don’t know why you put this back on when I am just going to take it off again later.” I grin, reaching out to touch her dress.
She leans up against the back of the bed, crossing her legs and pulling the plate of food towards herself.
She looks so relaxed. Content and happy. I wish I could see her like this all the time.
I can.
If I just open up to her and be honest about everything.
When we are done eating, I’ll tell her.
Watching her I know it’s real. I know without a doubt that I have fallen for her.
It seems like the universe was on my side this entire time - I just wasn’t paying attention.
But it also seems that it’s not too late.
I still have a chance. She is still willing to let me close to her.
She is chatting, telling me about her diving lessons and how she swam with sharks.
It’s so good to hear her talking like this again.
I get nervous as the food finishes.
How am I going to word this? What am I going to say?
My jaw is clenching and unclenching, and I feel tension creeping into my shoulders.
Leora notices it too.
She stops talking and looks towards me.
“Is something wrong? Was I talking too much? Was I - was I annoying you?” She asks, sounding hurt.
“No - definitely not. Not at all - it’s - I need to talk to you—”
“Ok.” She sits up straighter, biting her lower lip.
“Leora, I know why you left. Uh - let me start from the beginning.” I swallow hard. The beginning. Where is that? The kiss?