Page 4 of Nate
“That’s not silly at all. I’m down with whatever it takes to get people active. And if the bonus is you get to feel confident enough to show off Max’s awesome work, all the better.” He took Kevin to the bank of cardio machines first, since that’s what most people were most familiar with. “Here we have stationary bikes, ellipticals, treadmills and stair steppers. There’s no time limit on their usage, we just ask that you wipe them down when you’re done.”
Kevin ran a hand over the guard rail of one of the colorful treadmills. “This is cool. I didn’t know these machines came in any colors other than black or gray.”
Nate laughed. “They probably don’t. I had them custom painted to resemble the Huffy bikes my friends and I had when I was young.” He pointed at one of the ellipticals in black and gold. “That one is based off my bike.” He asked Kevin if he wanted to try any of them out but he shook his head, his dreads swinging around his shoulders.
“No thanks, I’m kind of a klutz.”
“You’ll get the hang of them once you try them out.” He pointed at the wall facing the cardio bank. It was made up of a bunch of screens, set so that each showed a different part of the picture. Combined they made a giant TV wall. “Most of the cardio machines have small TVs built in, but guests really like the TV wall. We play movies, cartoons, TV shows, whatever the mood of the day calls for. There’s a suggestion box on the front desk where you can submit requests.”
Kevin watched the current selection, a fairly recent Western, for a few moments. “I like that.”
“Good. But if you join up, make sure you spend more time working than watching,” he teased.
After that it was on to the weights. Nate pointed out the running track that surrounded the cardio area as they approached. “This is a quarter mile track, with latex-bound construction to minimize stress on the knees. We have races on them sometimes. The potato sacks and three-legged hops are the most popular.”
Kevin looked surprised. “You guys do three-legged races here?”
“You bet. Working out doesn’t always have to be regimented. Sometimes you just need to move.”
They waited a few moments to let a group of runners pass, then crossed the track. The weights were set up in stations that surrounded the cardio machine bank the entire length of the track. Each station had a poster on the wall with smiling, everyday looking people depicting the proper ways to execute the exercises. Nate explained a few when Kevin showed an interest. He could tell that Kevin was intimidated by most of them. “We’ve got a great staff of trainers who can show you how everything works and get you set up with a workout program.”
Next, Nate showed him the gym within a gym. It was a large room with a hardwood floor, reminiscent of high school basketball courts. “Here we have lots of different classes and activities. Flag football, kickboxing, hip hop dance, you name it. We let members sign up for time slots to do, or even teach, a class of their choice.” They stopped to watch the Tai chi class currently in progress.
“I could probably do that,” Kevin said.
Nate nodded at the woman leading the class. “Tan is a great teacher. She’ll show you everything you need to know. And after the class, you’ll feel great.” Nate got them moving again over to the corner of the gymnasium. He’d saved what tended to be most member’s favorite part for last. “And this is the rope pull.” There were three thick ropes suspended from the ceiling over a deep pit of squishy foam balls.
“Woah. I don’t think I can climb all the way up there.”
“No worries,” Nate said with a grin. “Work your way up over time, or just have fun dropping into the foam pit.”
“It’s cool if people do that?”
“That’s what it’s there for.”
Kevin craned his head back, looking all the way up to the top. “How high can you climb?”
From anyone else, Nate would have thought the question was a come on. From this guy, Nate wasn’t getting that vibe. He kept his voice light as he answered. “Would it sound like I’m bragging if I say all the way to the top?”
Kevin looked up at him, a smile on his full mouth and shining in those big, dark eyes. “Only if you were making it up.”
Nate’s heart rate sped up, the delicious beginnings of arousal tingling in his body. Would Kevin look at him like that in bed? He wanted to tangle his fingers in those silky-looking locks while he tasted that smile in a kiss. He realized he was staring when Kevin’s smile started to fade. Shit. He needed to focus on trying to woo this man as a client for his gym, not as a visitor to his bed.
“It’s not a lie, I promise. I wouldn’t want to be accused of false advertising,” he said with a wink.
They left the gymnasium and Nate showed him the pristine men’s locker room and co-ed steam room. After that, the tour was over.
On the way back up, Kevin looked around with the expression of impressed awe most people had when they first saw Nate’s Gym. “If gym was this cool when I was in school, maybe I would have participated more.”
Nate laughed. “Same here. And that’s the whole theme. Come in, work out without anyone harassing you and have fun while you’re doing it.” They stopped in the lobby. “So what do you think, Kevin? Would you like to become a member?”
“It’s a pretty cool place. I like it.” He looked around at everything once more. “Can I think about it?”
“Sure thing, there’s no pressure.” Nate hated to let Kevin go without assurance he’d see him again, but he didn’t let on. Nate walked him to the front door, holding it open for him. He made sure to get one last look at those doe eyes before Kevin left. “Hope to see you soon, Kevin.”